Xbox Game Pass 上的 10 款最佳儿童游戏(2024 年 XNUMX 月)

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Xbox Game Pass 上的 10 款最佳儿童游戏(2024 年 XNUMX 月)

2024-06-18 05:17:20| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

如果您曾经看过孩子玩耍和学习,您就会知道其中有一种独特的乐趣。如今,视频游戏已成为儿童娱乐时间的重要组成部分。他们提供了一个充满乐趣和学习的世界。但是,面对如此多的游戏,如何才能挑选出最适合孩子的游戏呢?因此,为了帮助您挑选最佳游戏,我们列出了五款游戏 儿童游戏 Xbox Game Pass 完美结合了乐趣和学习。

10. 短途徒步旅行短暂的远足 - 发布日期预告片

开始, 短暂远足 is a captivating game that centers around the adventures of Claire, a young bird determined to climb to the peak of a mountain. This journey is filled with various activities that engage players in a light-hearted manner. Players will find themselves fishing in tranquil lakes, searching for hidden treasures, and even soaring through the skies to get a better view of the landscape.

Moreover, the game integrates a unique interaction system where Claire meets other characters along her path. These encounters often lead to fun dialogues and little quests that add depth to the player's experience. The quests are designed to be intuitive, making them suitable for players of all ages.

Furthermore, the pace of 短暂远足 is leisurely, allowing players to explore at their own speed without feeling rushed. This makes it an ideal choice for players looking for a game that they can enjoy in a relaxed manner. Also, the simplicity of the game mechanics means that anyone can pick up the controller and start playing without needing to learn complex rules. Overall, 短暂远足 provides an enriching experience that combines leisure and adventure in a charming and accessible way.

9. 小鳄鱼游戏Lil Gator 游戏 - 发布预告片 - Nintendo Switch

律鳄鱼游戏 offers a heartwarming adventure where players help a small, enthusiastic gator on a mission to make friends and spread joy. The game is set on a vibrant island teeming with life and engaging activities. Players will climb, swim, glide, and slide through diverse landscapes, meeting various characters along the way. The island is dotted with friends needing assistance, and players must complete fun quests to win their hearts. From bopping cardboard baddies to navigating serene hills and forests, the game offers a dynamic and enjoyable experience.

Throughout the island, players encounter unique quests and characters in different areas. Moreover, as you explore, you'll collect arts and crafts supplies scattered across the island. These can be used to create all kinds of goodies and bring the island's playground to life. You might craft a ragdoll teddy to glide from mountaintops to valleys or skim pebbles to knock down cardboard baddies. All in all, this makes this game a delightful experience, perfect for kids who love creativity, making friends, and enjoying light-hearted adventures.

8. 和朋友一起打高尔夫球Golf With Your Friends Launch Trailer

和你的朋友一起打高尔夫球 is a multiplayer mini-golf game designed to bring joy and friendly competition to players of all ages. The game supports up to 12 players, making it a perfect choice for family gatherings or virtual playdates with friends. Players can choose from various game modes, such as Classic mini-golf, Dunk mode where the goal is to get the ball into a basketball hoop, and Hockey mode that combines elements of hockey with mini-golf. These different modes add layers of fun and excitement, so you'll net get bored of it.

除此之外, 和你的朋友一起打高尔夫球 features a wide array of creative courses that come with unique challenges. Some courses might take players through whimsical candy lands, while others might have them navigating spooky haunted houses or futuristic space stations. Each course is packed with obstacles like ramps, loops, and moving platforms that require skill and strategy to overcome. So, it is one of the best games for kids on Xbox Game Pass.

7. 连绵起伏的丘陵:做寿司,交朋友Rolling Hills:做寿司,交朋友 - 游戏预告片

连绵起伏的丘陵:制作寿司,结交朋友 invites players to step into the metallic shoes of a Sushi Bot, a robot chef with dreams of becoming world-renowned. This cozy village game blends life simulation with restaurant management. Players start by taking over a local sushi shop, a golden opportunity to prove their culinary prowess. The primary task is to collect new sushi recipes and source fresh ingredients from the local market. These fresh ingredients not only improve the flavor and quality of your sushi but also help you perfect your craft as a master sushi chef.

But making sushi is only half the fun. Building relationships with the residents of 连绵起伏的丘陵 is another key feature of the game. Players can spend time with the townsfolk over a cup of coffee, getting to know their stories and daily needs. Helping the residents with their problems not only builds friendships but also improves the community's overall well-being. This aspect of the game teaches players the importance of kindness and cooperation. Here, serving customers efficiently earns coins and stellar reviews, which are essential for the restaurant's success. It also allows players to customise their restaurant with various decorations.

6. 另一种螃蟹的宝藏另一种螃蟹的宝藏 - Xbox Game Pass 预告片

If you’re looking for an exciting adventure in an undersea world, 另一个螃蟹的宝藏 offers a captivating experience. The story centers around Kril, a hermit crab on a mission to reclaim his repossessed shell. The underwater kingdom is facing collapse due to pollution, and Kril must navigate this crumbling environment. Trash in this world is not just waste; it’s a valuable resource. Kril uses discarded items as makeshift shells to protect himself from enemies.

Here, Kril's journey is filled with intense combat inspired by the soulslike genre. Players will face numerous enemies, some significantly larger and more powerful than Kril. And to survive, Kril learns various Umami techniques, powerful moves inspired by sea creatures. These techniques include the might of a mantis shrimp’s punch and the ensnaring ability of a bobbit worm. In short, this game promises an epic and memorable underwater adventure that blends action with a compelling narrative.

5. 小猫咪,大城市小猫,大城市 – 发布预告片 – Nintendo Switch

In 小猫咪,大城市, 你扮演一只富有魅力、具有冒险天赋的小猫咪。当一次简单的小憩逐渐演变成穿越繁华城市的激动人心的探索时,您的旅程出乎意料地开始。您的主要任务可能是找到回家的路,但这座城市充满活力的景观和声音具有迷人的吸引力。由于没有固定的路径,你可以决定是直接回家还是蜿蜒穿过街道。



4. 冲刺:迪士尼皮克斯冒险Rush:迪士尼-皮克斯冒险发布预告片

对于迪士尼皮克斯电影的粉丝来说, 拉什:迪士尼诗歌冒险 提供身临其境的游戏体验,让喜爱的电影角色和场景栩栩如生。玩家潜入一个可以与《玩具总动员》、《超人总动员》、《汽车总动员》、《飞屋环游记》、《海底总动员2:海底总动员》和《怪兽电力公司》中的英雄互动的世界。每部电影的独特世界都是一个游乐场,您可以在其中参与激动人心的活动和任务。例如,您可以与闪电麦昆比赛或与超能先生一起拯救世界。

该游戏旨在让所有年龄段的玩家都能轻松上手并享受乐趣。它鼓励合作,邀请朋友和家人通过分屏或单控制器游戏来加入乐趣。这种合作元素确保每个人都可以共同解决谜题、完成挑战并享受故事的乐趣。此外, 拉什:迪士尼诗歌冒险 擅长创造引人入胜的叙事,反映电影的魅力和冒险。与最喜欢的角色互动并影响故事结果的机会提供了一种独特的刺激,迪士尼皮克斯电影的粉丝一定会珍惜。

3. 托伊姆TOEM - 发布预告片 - Nintendo Switch

In 代工制造商,玩家扮演一位迷人的摄影师的角色,探索宁静的城镇并使用相机解决谜题。您从一个简单的相机开始,它成为您与世界互动的工具。您的主要目标是拍摄满足您遇到的友好角色要求的照片。这些角色经常需要帮助,而您的照片可以提供他们寻求的解决方案。该游戏鼓励您仔细观察周围的环境,找到特定的主题或场景,并拍摄完美的照片来帮助城镇居民。



2. 涡轮高尔夫赛车涡轮高尔夫赛车|发布日期公告预告片

如果您喜欢赛车的快感和高尔夫的精准度, 涡轮高尔夫赛车 提供了两者的令人兴奋的组合。在这款游戏中,玩家控制一辆高速汽车,在各种充满活力的球场上击球。您的目标很简单:使用您的车辆在对手之前将球放入洞中。课程多种多样,从古老的阿兹特克寺庙到未来的太空轨道。

In 涡轮高尔夫赛车, 您将在充满活力的大奖赛风格的比赛中与最多七名其他玩家竞争,速度与策略相结合。玩家可以利用加速垫来加速超越竞争对手,或者采取巧妙的捷径来获得优势。玩家还可以掌握扰乱对手的特殊能力,例如冻结他们的球或将其固定在适当的位置。此外,通过超过一万亿种可能的组合,您可以调整一切,从车身到助推器。此外,您还可以装备独特的动力核心,以增强球的力量、旋转或弹跳力。

1. 菊苣:多彩的故事菊苣:一个多彩的故事发布日期预告片

Xbox Game Pass 最佳儿童游戏列表中的最后一款游戏是 菊苣:一个多彩的故事。在这场独特的​​冒险中,玩家控制一位拥有魔笔的年轻画家,负责将色彩带回单色世界。主要任务是使用画笔绘画和解决谜题,并可以自由地在您选择的任何地方添加颜色。这使得每个玩家都能以一种非常个性化和创造性的方式与游戏环境进行交互。此外,你的绘画能力有助于发现隐藏区域并揭示推动故事发展的重要线索。


那么,您对这些游戏有何看法?您是否尝试过这些儿童游戏,或者您在 Xbox Game Pass 上还有其他我们未提及的最爱?让我们知道您对我们社交的想法 点击本链接浏览.






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