7 Fun Party Games for Couples & Couple Parties

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7 Fun Party Games for Couples & Couple Parties

2024-06-17 17:22:03| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

🕹️   Play Couples Game online😂   1. Never Have I Ever for Couples😈   2. Truth or Dare for Couples😁   3. Most Likely To for Couples👆   4. Would You Rather for Couples🤓   5. Charades for Couples

Who says party games are only for children’s parties or parties with your friends? There are a lot of party games for couples that can be played with your other couple friends, or even better during Valentine’s Day party!

These classic games are great for bringing extra life to any party. If you want to spend some time with your other couple friends, why not try playing some party games for couples to get everyone to loosen up and get in a party mood!

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👉 Check out other fun games for two!

Play Couples Game online

Looking for fun couples games that can improve your relationship at the same time? Look no further than our best app for couples - Coupled by PumPum!

This app, designed for couples to strengthen their relationship, will become your new couple care routine. With insightful quizzes, weekly relationship check-ups, fun games, and more, you and your partner can enjoy quality time while also improving communication and understanding within your relationship.

The app is perfect for every couple, whether you’re in a long-distance relationship or living together. All you need to do is download the app, share your pairing code with your partner, and start playing!

Download the app now for a stronger, healthier relationship!

Coupled by PumPum® Google Play App Store 1. Never Have I Ever for Couples

You must have played or at least heard about Never Have I Ever at least once in your life. There’s even a teen Netflix show with the same name! Thanks to its cool-sounding name, Never Have I Ever is a game that immediately comes to mind when talking about party games.

If you’re looking for a classic game for couples to play at a party, Never Have I Ever should be at the top of your list!

It is an entertaining game to play with your other couple friends. There are inside jokes and situations unique to couples that your single friends won’t be able to relate to, but your couple friends will understand!

Try playing Never Have I Ever for couples and find out all sorts of things that your friends may or may not have done! It’s either you will be shocked, or they will!

👉 Find out more about Never Have I Ever!

How to Play Never Have I Ever

The mechanics for Never Have I Ever are easy to understand. The main rule is that players take turns in giving statements about things that they have never done before.

Let’s say you start the game by giving a statement that starts with, “Never have I ever…” plus adding an action that you have never done before.

For example: Never have I ever watched porn.

If other players admit that they have done the action that you mentioned, they need to take a drink. Otherwise, you take a drink! Enjoy the game and stay a happy couple!

Make sure to prepare lots of alcohol before you begin! People tend to talk more when they’re getting drunk! Always remember they are no correct answers!

Play Never Have I Ever Online

Want to give Never Have I Ever a try? Check out our online version of Never Have I Ever, and get random statements that you can use for your game!

Play Never Have I Ever online

If you want to play Never Have I Ever while you’re on the go, you can also download our mobile app to your phone!

Never Have I Ever Google Play App Store Best Never Have I Ever Questions for Couples

It’s alright to tease your couple friends a little when you come up with Never Have I Ever questions. You should start this game for couples with the easy questions first then hit them with the scandalous ones later!

Check out some of the best Never Have I Ever questions for couples.

1. Never have I ever given my partner’s genitals a nickname.

I heard boobs being called Betty and Boop!

2. Never have I ever done my business in the presence of my partner.

You need to be really, really comfortable with someone to be able to do that.

3. Never have I ever had sex in the kitchen.

Our house, our rules!

4. Never have I ever given instructions to my partner during sex.

There’s nothing wrong with communicating.

5. Never have I ever said a white lie to my boyfriend/girlfriend.

It’s called keeping the peace.

6. Never have I ever thought of another woman/man while having sex with my partner.

I kissed a girl, and I liked it!

7. Never have I ever done anything extremely embarrassing during sex.

Who should be more embarrassed if someone falls asleep while having sex?

8. Never have I ever faked an orgasm.

Nope. Fingers crossed!

9. Never have I ever peed in the shower.

So what if I have?

10. Never have I ever kissed a famous person.

That’s what you call chemistry!

👉 Turn up the heat with these dirty Never Have I Ever questions!

Truth or Dare for Couples

Truth or Dare is a classic game for couples! It’s a famous question and answer game that can be easily tweaked to become more couple-oriented.

Since you and your significant other are playing with other couples, you can try giving naughty dares or questions that will make people blush! Or you can just goof around and see which couples kill it when playing Truth or Dare for couples!

👉 Find out more about Truth or Dare for couples!

How to Play Truth or Dare

One way to give a twist to a regular game of Truth or Dare is to play it as couples, which is the best if you’re having a couples-only party!

Instead of playing as individuals, all the guests will play as pairs. This means each couple will have to either answer a TRUTH question or do a DARE together.

Things can get chaotic when you and your partner play against your other couple friends!

For example:

TRUTH: Have you ever had a crush on anyone who is present right now? (Couples can’t say each other’s names.)DARE: Kiss each other for 15 seconds.

👉 Take a look at dirty Truth or Dare questions for adults!

Play Truth or Dare Online

Too lazy to make up your Truth or Dare questions list? Get questions from our online version of Truth or Dare.

Play Truth or Dare online

You can also download our Truth or Dare app to your Apple or Android phone!

Truth or Dare Google Play App Store Best Truth Questions for Couples

These fun icebreaker questions can get steamy, so be prepared! Some questions may be a little painful or embarrassing. Just answer as honestly as you can!

1. What was the craziest one-night stand you ever had?

I’ve forgotten about it!

2. Has anyone ever accidentally seen you naked? Who was it?

Don’t get jealous!

3. Have you ever stripped for someone else?

I can neither confirm nor deny.

4. What is one of the most terrific things that we did together?

Remember the hot tub?

5. Rate our love story on a scale of 1 to 10?

There are maybe correct answers. My tip: Say at least 11!

6. What is your favorite thing to do together?

I love our lazy Sunday mornings together!

7. Are you possessive about me or our relationship?

Hell yeah! I’m possessive on all fronts!

8. What was your first impression of me?

Just be honest. It’s okay if it wasn’t love at first sight.

9. What do you think should be our couples theme song?

It should hold special meaning to us both.

10. How many kids do you want to have?

Doesn’t it make you think of our future?

Best Dares for Couples

These dares can be done by individuals or by pairs. For dares that need to be done by couples, show off how you and your partner are the power couple of the group!

Try these dares for couples.

1. Sell me your genitals like a product from electrical retailers.

I’ve never had a product return. 100% guaranteed!

2. Re-enact your favorite romantic scene.

“You had me at hello.”

3. Sing a duet.

“A whole new wooooorld!”

4. Put makeup on each other while blindfolded.

We’re gorgeous!

5. Share your cheesiest pick-up line.

Hope no one throws up!

6. Using cloves of garlic apply a lip balm or lipstick.

Who’s going to kiss those lips later?

7. Pretend the mop is your guitar and serenade your girl.

She’ll love it!

8. Feed a slice of cake to each other, and finish it within 30 seconds.

Will you still be able to make it look romantic?

9. Say what you love most about your boyfriend/girlfriend.

Time for some romance!

10. Write a love poem for each other!

You have five minutes! Be creative!

👉 Follow this link to get to know the best card games for couples!

Most Likely To for Couples

If you’re looking for Valentine’s party games for couples to play on February 14, Most Likely To is an excellent choice. This conversation starter game will make couples imagine all sorts of things that can happen in the future which is something they can’t help think about especially during Valentine’s Day!

Playing Most Likely To on your next Valentine’s party is a fun and light way to guess at situations that may or may not happen in the future.

Try to play this questions and answer game rapid-fire style to make it more exciting! You get to have fun while finding out how you and your other couple friends see each other!

👉 Learn more about Most Likely To for couples!

How to Play Most Likely To

Most Likely To is all about making a guess on who is most likely to do something in particular. This can be as easy as predicting who is most likely to watch the latest Avengers movie, or as unlikely as who is most likely to go to Mars. One thing is for sure, players will have lots of fun imagining all sorts of things!

What makes playing this adult party game exciting is that it’s purely based on one’s gut feeling or people’s impressions of each other. The answers can be a hit or miss, so players will just have to agree to disagree with the answers that they hear!

For example: Who is most likely to divorce three times?

The players will point to the person they think is most likely to divorce three times. The person who is chosen by the most number of players may agree or not with the results!

Play Most Likely To Online

Ready for a game of Most Likely To for couples? Check out our online version of Most Likely To or download it as an app for your Apple or Android phone.

Play Most Likely To online

Most Likely To Google Play App Store Best Most Likely To Questions for Couples

Here are some Most Likely To questions for couples. Don’t let some of these questions get to you! They’re all just for fun!

1. Who is most likely to be the clingy partner?

I have no proof, but you look like someone who’s clingy. Don’t be mad!

2. Who is most likely to crash their ex’s wedding?

Do they look like they haven’t moved on?

3. Who is most likely to forget their partner’s birthday?

Not me!

4. Who is most likely to pick a romantic movie for movie night?

It’s great for setting the mood!

5. Who is most likely to flirt with a waiter?

Not my boyfriend/girlfriend!

6. Most likely to remain calm during a storm?

One of us has to be calm!

7. Most likely to remain in the bathroom for 1 hour every day?

Fyi, I don’t wake up like this!

8. Who’s most likely to burn the dinner they’re cooking?

That’s why there’s take-out.

9. 40. Who’s most likely to cry during sex?

It’s beautiful!

10. Most likely to remain asleep while the alarm is blaring?

A morning kiss is a good way to wake up a person.

👉 Want to try a new board game? Here you can find the best spooky board games!

Would You Rather for Couples

Would You Rather is another crowd-favorite if you’re looking for a classic party game for couples. This popular game is all about making choices, and the choices can get complicated which makes it more fun to play.

Imagine choosing between a rock and a hard place. Players will be facing dilemmas like this all the time when playing Would You Rather for couples!

👉 Learn more about Would You Rather!

How to Play Would You Rather

Learning how to play Would You Rather is incredibly easy. In this simple game, you just need to choose between two impossible situations most of the time, easy-peasy right?

Since you’re playing with other couples, try to throw in couple-themed questions to mess with your friends! It will be fun to see how people react to these made-up scenarios!

For example: Would you rather live in a mansion with your in-laws or live in a tiny apartment with your spouse?

👉 Check out more topics for Would You Rather questions!

Play Would You Rather Online

Ready to play Would You Rather? We have hundreds of questions that you can access when you play our online version of Would You Rather!

Play Would you rather? online

You can also download our Would You Rather app to your Apple or Android phone!

Would you rather? Google Play App Store Best Would You Rather Questions for Couples

Would You Rather questions for couples is a fun way to get to know your partner. When you play it with others, it will also be interesting to see everyone’s reactions to some of the answers.

Try these questions for your game of Would You Rather.

1. Would you rather get spanked or do the spanking?

Tell me what’s your kink.

2. Would you rather never wear underwear again or never wear socks again?

Let’s prioritize hygiene!

3. Would you rather argue all night to resolve a conflict or end the argument unresolved before bed?

Never go to sleep angry!

4. Would you rather go zip lining or bungee jumping together?


5. Would you rather walk in on your parents having sex or have your parents walk in on you having sex?

The thought of my parents walking in on me makes me shudder!

6. Would you rather ask your partner for help or figure it out yourself?

Isn’t a partner someone you trust with your problems?

7. Would you rather be in a relationship with someone who never says “I Love You” or who never hugs you?

Actions speak louder than words!

8. Would you rather go out on a double date or have a romantic dinner for two at home?

Just the two of us!

9. Would you rather attend a car race or a baseball game together?

It depends on what we’re both into.

10. Would you rather have a partner who wants to stay up all night or sleep all day?

Let’s stay up all night so that we can sleep all day!

👉 Feel free to add more dirty Would You Rather questions to spice up your game!

Charades for Couples

You need to have great teamwork with your partner when you play Charades for couples. It’s a nifty way to test how well you communicate with your partner when you can’t talk to each other.

Are you and your partner more in sync than your other couple friends? Who knows? Everyone will have a blast giving into their competitive natures just to beat each other at Charades!

👉 Learn more about Charades!

How to Play Charades for Couples

When playing Charades for couples, players need to guess a word or phrase that is being acted out as a team. One will be the actor while the other will be the guesser. The challenge is that no one is allowed to talk while they’re acting.

If the one who’s guessing gets the answer right, the team gets points. If they make a wrong guess, the other couples will have the chance to guess the answer and get the points instead.

The couple with the most points at the end of the game wins! Before you start playing, make sure to agree on the categories in scope and divide your guests into teams.

A game master can also prepare the words in advance so that the couple teams will just pick from what was prepared, or the one who’s acting can write the word to be guessed on a piece of paper before starting. Once the final guess is made, they can check the paper to show if they got the answer right!

👉 Spice things up with Charades for adults!

Play Charades Online

Play our online version of Charades, and get instant access to words that you can use for your game.

Play Charades online

If you don’t want to go to a web browser, you can also download our Charades app to your phone!

Charades Google Play App Store Best Charades Words for Couples

The great thing about Charades is that there are many categories that you can go with. When playing Charades for couples, you can add a romance or couple theme to make it a little different from regular Charades.

Here are some of the best Charades words to use when playing with other couples.

Couples theme

Think of activities, emotions, or anything else that comes to mind when you think of couples. Here are words that are usually associated with couples.

ProposalGetawayLove notesHoneymoonPlayfulWeddingForeplayFlowersChocolateSpontaneousForeverSweetPregnancyIn-lawsStrawberries

👉 If you’re looking for a way to challenge your party, give our Trivia game a try!


How many movie dates have you gone on with your boyfriend/girlfriend? Put your movie knowledge to the test with a game of Charades based on romantic comedy movies! You must have watched some of the movies on this list, right?

50 First DatesLove ActuallyNotting HillBridget Jones’s DiaryThe NotebookWhen Harry Met SallyThere’s Something About MaryCrazy Rich Asians500 Days of SummerAlways Be My MaybeCrazy, Stupid, LoveWedding CrashersAbout Time10 Things I Hate About YouPretty Woman

👉 In need of more party games! Follow the link!

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