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2024-06-17 06:04:55| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


中文标示 英文标示 禁止攀折花木 Don’t Pick the Flowers 严禁攀爬索道 Do Not Climb onto Cableways 禁止通行 No Admittance / No Entry 游人止步 No Admittance 禁止烟火 Fire Prohibited/No Open Flames 禁止吸烟 No Smoking 禁止带火种 No Flammables 禁止跳下 No Jumping From This Point 一级防火区禁止使用明火 Class A Fire Zone, No Open Flame 禁止触摸 No Touching 禁止抛物 No Littering 禁止入内 Do Not Enter 禁止推搡,奔跑或挤靠 No Pushing, Running or Shoving 禁止靠近 Do Not Approach 禁止启动 Don’t Start It 水深危险请勿靠近 Danger! Deep Water 禁止跳水 No Diving 禁止打闹 No Roughhousing 请勿攀爬 No Climbing 严禁下车开窗 投喂自带食品 Do Not Get Out OfYour Vehicles, Open Windows or Feed Animals With Outside Food 请勿靠近护栏 请勿投喂动物 Keep Off the Guardrails. Don’t Feed the Animals 警告 WARNING 严禁倚靠 Stand Clear / No Leaning 严禁携带宠物 No Pets Allowed 严禁中途下车 No Exiting between Stops 禁止排放污水 Do Not Throw Out Waste Water 禁止无照经营 No Unlicensed Vendors 禁止燃放烟花爆竹 No Fireworks Allowed / Fireworks Prohibited 禁止携带易燃易爆物品 No Inflammables and Explosives / Inflammables & Explosives Prohibited 禁止速降 Downhill Skiing Prohibited  禁止雪道中间停留 Don’t Stop on Ski Slope 禁止由此滑行 No Skiing Here 禁止开窗 Keep Windows Closed / Don’t Open Windows 非机动车禁止入内 Motor Vehicles Only 雷雨天禁止拨打手机 Cell Phones Prohibited during Thunderstorms 禁止拍照 No Photographs/No Cameras 严禁使用闪光灯拍照 Do Not Use Flash 禁止采摘攀折花草树木 Do Not Pick Flowers or Branches 禁止乱涂乱画 No Scribbling 禁止捕捉伤害野生动物 Do Not Harm or Hunt Wild Animals 禁止采摘花草挖掘药材 Do Not Pick Flowers or Collect Medical Herbs 雪崩高发区严禁停车停留 High-risk Avalanche Area, No Parking or Loitering 严禁滑板与旱冰运动 Skateboards and Rollerblades Prohibited


中文标示 英文标示 索道安全警示 Cableway Warning 请您排队购票 Please Line Up 仅收现金支票谢谢 Cash and Checks Only 当心不要丢失东西 Take Care, Not to Leave Things Behind 当心扒手 Beware of Pickpockets 钱款当面点清,离柜概不负责 Complete the Transaction Before Leaving the Counter. 请按门票所示的路线参观 Please Follow the Visitor Route Indicated on Your Guide Ticket 需要轮椅服务台领取 Wheel Chairs Available at the Service Desk 票已售出,概不退还 No Refunds. No Exchanges 本票当日有效 Ticket Good Only on the Day of Issue 本公园晚11点关闭 This Park Closes at 11:00 P.M 暂停服务 Out of Service 注意:正在维修 Caution! Maintenance in progress 为可能带来的任何不便表示歉意 We Apologize for Any Inconvenience 服务操作区限员工进入 Service Operating Area Staff Only 闭路电视监控区 CCTV in Operation 请沿此路上下山 Follow this Path while Hiking in the Mountain 请沿此路上山 Climbing Route / To the Top 您的安全我们的天责 Your Safety Is Our Priority 警务、火灾或医疗救护拨911 For Police, Fire, or Medical Assistance Dial: 911 山路崎岖 请您注意安全 Mountain Roads Are Accident-Prone, Please Be Safety Conscious 注意脚下地面有时滑 Watch Your Step, Floor May Be Slippery at Times 保护文物,人人有责 Please Protect Cultural Relics 景区是我家,人人都爱它 Please Protect the Environment 请您爱护景区动物 Please Protect the Wildlife in the Scenic Area 请您在17:30分前下山 Please Return by 5:30 p.m. 雨雾天气结伴及早下山 On Rainy or Foggy Days, Please Hike in Groups and Return Early 保护古树 Please Protect Ancient Trees 谢绝参观 No Visitors 旅游区内 禁止吸烟 No Smoking in the Tourist Attraction 不得携带火种 No Flammables 请勿随手乱扔废弃物 保护环境卫生 No Littering. Keep the Environment Clean 注意下道停车 保持主线畅通 Park Off the Road. Keep Main Lanes Clear 忍一时烟瘾 留万亩绿茵 No Smoking 注意安全 请勿靠近 Caution! Keep Off 弯道下坡 注意安全 Caution! Downhill Slope 弯道上坡 注意安全 Caution! Uphill Slope 连续上坡 注意安全 Caution! Long Uphill Slope 弯道下坡 注意安全 Caution! Downhill Slope 当心坠落 Caution! Watch Your Step 当心绊倒 Caution! Do Not Stumble 小心滑倒 Mind Your Step 小心落石 Falling Rocks 当心坠落 Caution! Watch Your Step 小心落水 Caution! Deep Water 爱护绿地人人有责 Keep Off the Grass 请勿攀爬 No Climbing 有电危险,请勿触摸 Danger! Electric Shock Risk 高温!勿触! Hot! Avoid Contact 高压危险 Danger! High Voltage 危险切勿进入 Danger! Do Not Enter 请勿穿越 No Crossing! 非饮用水 Not for Drinking! / Non-potable Water! 猴子伤人 请勿靠近 Beware of Monkeys! 小心电网 请勿靠近 Keep Off the Electric Fence!  猴子伤人 严禁投食 Beware of Monkeys. Feeding Not Allowed. 冬季封闭区 Area Closed in Winter 一级防火区 严禁烟火 High-risk Fire Zone. Smoking or Use of Fire Prohibited. 猴子伤人 请勿打逗 请勿靠近 Beware of Monkeys. Teasing and Approaching Them Prohibited. 保护森林资源 严禁野外用火 Protect Forest Resources. Outdoor Fire Use Prohibited. 猴子伤人 严禁靠近、打逗、投喂 Beware of Monkeys. Teasing and Feeding Them Prohibited. 防火林区 严禁烟火 Fire Zone! Smoking or Use of Fire Prohibited. 注意安全 严防啄伤 Caution! Be Aware of Birds 山上野猴伤人 请您切勿靠近 Caution! Wild Monkeys are Dangerous 动物伤人 严禁挑逗 Animals Can Be Dangerous. No Teasing. 注意安全,保持距离。请勿追赶、打逗动物。 Keep a Safe Distance. Chasing or Teasing Animals Not Allowed! 卧床请勿吸烟 Don’t Smoke in Bed 殿内请勿燃香 Don’t Burn Incense in the Hall 风力较大勿燃香,请敬香 Windy. No Incense Burning 高血压、心脏病患者以及晕车、晕船、酗酒请勿乘坐 Drunks, sufferers of hypertension, heart disease and motion sickness not allowed on board. 防洪通道,请勿占用 Flood Control Channel. Keep Clear! 非游览区,请勿进入 No Admittance / No Visitors 1米以下儿童须家长陪同乘坐 Children under 1mMust Be Accompanied by Adults. 酒后不能上船 Those under the Influence of Alcohol Not Allowed. 请抬起护栏 Please Raise the Guardrail 请放下护栏 Please Lower the Guardrail 请您不要坐在护栏上边 Don’t Sit on the Guardrail 前方弯路慢行 Turn Ahead. Slow Down! 请自觉维护场内卫生环境 Please Keep the Area Clean / Please Don’t Litter 请遵守场内秩序 Please Keep Order 请您注意上方 Watch Your Head 请在台阶下等候 Please Stand Clear of the Steps 请您不要随意移动隔离墩 Don’t Move Barriers 请您穿好救生衣 Please Wear Life Vest 请爱护洞内景观 Please Help to Protect the Cave Scenery 请爱护公共设施 Please Protect Public Facilities 请勿投食 Don’t Feed the Animals 请勿惊吓动物 Don’t Frighten the Animals 请勿惊扰动物 Please Don’t Disturb the Animals 请勿拍打玻璃 Don’t Tap on the Glass 请勿将手臂伸出车外 Keep Arms inside Carriage 请按顺序出入 Please Line Up 请爱请护林木 Please Protect the Trees 请保护古树 Please Protect Ancient Trees 请保护古迹 Please Protect Historic Sites 请爱护景区设施 Please Protect Facilities 请爱护文物 / 保护文物 Please Protect Cultural Relics 请尊重少数民族习俗 Please Respect Ethnic Customs 如需帮助,请按铃 Please Ring For Assistance 紧握扶手 Hold the Handrail 谢绝自带食品饮品 No Outside Food or Beverage Please 闲人免进 Authorized Personnel Only 此门关闭,请走旁门 Out of Use, Please use Other Doors 注意此路不通 Caution!Walkway Ends 保持园内清洁 Keep the Park Clean 请勿大声喧哗 Thank You For Keeping Your Voices Down 除了脚印什么都别留下,除了记忆什么都别带走 Keep the Environment Clean and Don’t Pick Flowers or Branches 原路返回 Turn Around 游客止步 No Admittance / No Visitors 有佛事活动,请绕行 Detour. Buddhist Ceremony in Progress 紧急情况下使用 For Emergency Use Only 请在此交款 Please Pay Here 请勿践踏草坪 Keep Off the Grass 地球是我家,绿化靠大家 Keep Our Earth Green 花草怡情开,君手莫折枝 Don’t Pick the Flowers 足下留情,小草长青 Keep Off the Grass 芳草青青,踏之何忍 Keep Off the Grass 小草有生命,脚下请留情 Keep Off the Grass 小草微微笑,请您旁边绕 Keep Off the Grass 爱护绿地,请勿入内 Keep Off the Grass 依依芳草,敬请爱怜 Keep Off the Grass 请爱护草坪 Keep Off the Grass 少一个脚印,多一份绿色 Keep Off the Grass 注意安全,请勿靠近 Keep Away for Safety 别让您的烟头留下火患 Dispose Cigarette Butts Properly 鉴于治安考虑,请您随时保持警惕,将您的包袋、个人物品随身携带。谢谢! Watch Your Belongings. 违者罚款100元并处9个月监禁 Violators Subject to RMB 100 Fine and 9 Months in Jail 全国重点文物保护单位 Key State Protected Historic Site 国家历史文化名城 National Historical & Cultural City 中国国家著名旅游城市 A National Tourist City of China 国家级自然保护区 National Nature Reserve 少数民族风情游 Ethnic Cultural Tourism 展开全文


中文标示 英文标示 (一)须知人身安全,望您要遵守如下几项规定:欢迎您来风景区游览,为保证景区的自然风貌,爱护国家和人民的公共财物以及您的人 Notice to VisitorsWelcome to this tourist attraction! In order to preserve the natural environment, protect public facilities, and to ensure safety, please observe the following rules: 1. 保护风景区内自然风貌,风景区内严禁乱砍、滥伐、拆杈、毁林、开荒、乱开岩石、取纱、放牧和狩猎活动违者罚款。 1. Please help preserve the natural environment. Unauthorized logging, damaging of trees and forests, plowing of fields, excavating of sand and gravel, herding and hunting are strictly prohibited. Violators will be fined. 2. 注意防火、吸烟、火柴杆等致燃物就地熄灭,不许乱丢,不准再风景区内点燃火堆或野炊,以防失火。 2. Be cautious of fire hazards. No littering of inflammable materials such as cigarettes and matches. Campfires are strictly prohibited here. 3. 注意安全,不要攀登悬崖峭壁,不要在溪潭中游泳、打闹,以防人身事故发生及院内严禁夜宿。 3. Caution! For safety consideration, please do not climb cliffs; do not swim or play in streams and ponds, or stay overnight in courtyards. 4. 遇有雷雨时,不要用手抚摸铁器,更不要在沟滩崖根下避雨,以防洪水暴发造成危险,看天气不好时应迅速撤出游区。 4. When there is a thunderstorm, do not touch metals so as to prevent lightning strikes. Do not hide near river banks or under cliffs, or you might be exposed to sudden floods. Immediately exit the tourist attraction in case poor weather. 5. 维护风景区内环境卫生,禁止随地便溺用完的各种瓶罐、包装盒、纸屑、果皮等,要扔到废品池内,严禁乱扔,摔碎违反者罚款。 5. Please help keep the environment clean. Restrooms are available for your convenience. No littering (including empty bottles, packaging materials, waste paper, fruit peels, etc.). Violators will be fined. 6. 来风景区游览人员,一律购票凭票游览要听从工作人员引导,提高尊老爱幼,讲究礼貌的尚好作风。 6. Admission by ticket only. Please follow instructions from the staff. Please respect the elders and care for the young; be civilized while sightseeing. 2. 植物标示牌 (1)杜鹃坡 Azalea Hill (2)山杏 Prunu s Armeniaca (3)山核桃 Hickory (4)野韭菜坡 Wild Chive Hill (5)榛子坡 Hazelnuts Hill (6)黄花坡 Chrysanthemum Hill (7)金莲花 Globeflower (8)黄芩 Baikal Skullcap (9)刺玫坡 Rosa Davurica Hill (10)白桦林 White Birch Forest (11)沙棘 Sea-buckthorn (12)牡丹园 Peony Garden (13)戒坛 Jietan Altar (14)银杏 Gingko (15)丁香 Lilac 3. 地名说明牌 (1)后花园 Back Garden (2)派出所 Police Station (3)网球场 Tennis Court 4. 导向牌 (1)去索道导向 To Cableway (2)峨眉山导游图 Sketch Map of Mount Emei (3)厕所导向 To Restrooms (4)索道入口 Cableway Entrance (5)索道出口 Cableway Exit 5. 其他 东西南北 EastWestSouthNorth 西门 West Gate 南门 South Gate 网球场 Tennis Court 乒乓球区 Table Tennis Zone 健身场所 Fitness Center 水上乐园 Water Park 垂钓园 Fishing Garden 水上餐厅 Waterfront Restaurant 荷花池 Lotus Pond 售票处 Ticket Office /Tickets 票款当面点清 Please Check Your Change 开园:6:00 Opening Time: 6:00 静园:22:00 Closing Time:22:00 止票:21:00 No Tickets Sold after: 21:00 游客监督电话: Complaint Telephone: 公园景区管理中心 Park Administration Center 公园新景区门票收费价目表 Ticket Prices for the New Park 门票:5元/人.次 Admission: RMB 5 月票:8元/人.月 Monthly Ticket: RMB 8 年票:80元/张.年 Annual Ticket: RMB 80 年票:50元/张.年(凭老年证) Annual Ticket for Senior Citizen: RMB 50 (With-Senior Card) 门票优惠办法 Discount 物价局价格举报中心 Price Bureau Complaint Center 物价局举报电话 Price Bureau Complaint Telephone Number 南门入口 South Entrance 残疾人轮椅使用须知 Use Instructions for Wheelchairs 公园简介 Introduction to Park 公园游览图 Tourist Map of Park 公园游乐项目价目表 Price List of Park Amusement Attractions 每条船核定乘员: Boat Capacity: 售票时间:8:30-17:30 Ticketing Time: 8:30 - 17:30 票款当面点清 Please Check Your Change 公园游乐项目价目表 Price List of Park Amusement Attractions 商业餐饮服务区 Catering Service Area 一米以下儿童须有成人陪同并购票 Children under 1m must be accompanied by adults and tickets are required 售票亭 Ticket Office (二)门票优惠方法一、1.2米以下儿童免费二、大、中、小学生(不含成人教育)凭学生证门票半价优惠三、老年人凭老年证,残疾人凭证,门票半价优惠四、对持有社会保障金领取证的人,门票半价优惠五、现役军人、武警官兵、残疾军人,离退休干部凭有效证件优惠 Discounts1. Free admission for children under 1.2m2. 50% discount for students with Student ID Card (Adult students excluded)3. 50% discount for senior citizens with Senior Citizen Card and the physically challenged people with Disability Card4. 50% discount for people relying on social security funds5. Free admission for soldiers and police in service, physically challenged soldiers and retired officers (三)乘客须知一、客票当日有效,1米以下儿童乘坐,须由成年人购票陪同二、乘客须在工作人员引导下登机、下机,舱门关闭和开启过程中切勿将身体伸出舱门,以免造成伤害三、设备运行中,请抓牢座位前的扶手,严禁站立、打闹,严禁在船内吸烟、吃东西,严禁携带易燃、易爆、有毒、有异味物品入场四、在乘坐过程中若感觉不适,请按头顶上方的红色紧急停止按钮五、患有心脏病、高血压、精神状况不佳及饮酒者请勿乘坐 NOTICE1. Tickets are good for the day of issue only. Children under1m must be accompanied by adults.2. Follow staff instructions when getting in or out of the cabin. Do not stretch your head, hands or feet out of the cabin when the door is to open or close.3. When the equipment is operating, please hold handrail tightly; do not stand up. Smoking, eating and drinking are not allowed in the cabin. Flammables, explosives and smelly items are forbidden.4. If you feel uneasy during the ride, please push the red button above your head.5. People with heart disease, hypertension or mental disease and drinkers should not ride. 保护野生动植物 促进生态平衡 Please Protect the Wildlife! 鸟类是人类的朋友,它们需要我们的关爱。. Please Protect the Birds! 入口 Entrance 出口 Exit 参观路线 Visitor Route 门票价格 / 票价 Ticket Price 危险路段 Dangerous Area 游客须知 / 游园须知 Notice to Visitors 景区简介 Introduction 单行线 One Way 敬告 Attention 当日使用,逾期作废 Use on Day of Issue Only 凭票入场 Ticket Holders Only 团队入口 Group Tour Entrance 缆车入口 Cable Car Entrance 临时出口 Temporary Exit 火警出口 Fire Exit 月票 Monthly Ticket 年票 Annual Ticket 优惠办法 Discount 淡季时间 Low Season / Off Season 旺季时间 High Season / Peak Season 集体票 Group Tour Tickets 允许拍照留念 Photos Allowed 票已售完 Sold Out 票已售出,概不退换 No Refunds. No Exchanges 开放时间 Open Hours / Business Hours 系好安全带 Fasten Safety Belt 开园时间 Opening Time 闭园时间 Closing Time 表演时间 Show Time 展板 Display Boards 布告栏 Bulletin 游客投诉电话 Complaints Hotline 游客咨询电话 Inquiry Hotline 游客报警电话(110) Police Call 110 示意图(导游图) Sketch Map 游览图 Tourist Map 内部施工,暂停开放 Under Construction. Temporarily Closed. 1.2米以下儿童免票 Free for Children under 1.2 Meters 原路返回 Please Return by the Way You Came 二十四小时营业 24-Hour Service 导览器租用方法押金100元 / 一个,租用5元使用完毕完好无损退还押金损坏照价赔偿 Audio Guide RentalDeposit: RMB100 / eachRental fee: RMB 5The deposit will be returned if the audio guide is undamaged after use. Compensation for damage will be settled according to its price. 自动扶梯站上启动 Escalator is Motion Sensitive 休闲区 Recreation Area 变频扶梯站上启动 FC Escalator is Motion Sensitive


中文标示 英文标示 望江公园 Wangjiang Park 浣笺亭:浣笺亭于清嘉庆十九年(公园1814年)由四川布政使方积、成都知府李尧栋为纪念女诗人薛涛制笺而建。咸丰初年,毁于兵变。清光绪二十四年(公元1898年)由马长卿等重建。浣笺亭建筑颇有特色,该亭实为半亭,与以楹五开间建筑连为一体。亭为攒尖四坡顶,正面的两檐角毅然飞翘,甚为壮观。与亭相连的为五开间悬山式建筑,白墙花窗、朱柱青瓦,整座建筑古朴庄重,风格独特。 Huanjian Pavilion: it was built by Fang Ji, Financial Commissioner of Sichuan and Li Yaodong Magistrate of Chengdu in the 19 thyear of Emperor Jiaqing’s reign of the Qing Dynasty (1814) for memorializingXue Tao. It was completely ruined in the war during the early years of Emperor Xianfeng’s reign but it was rebuilt by Ma Changqing, etc. in the 24 thyear of Emperor Guangxu’s reign in the Qing Dynasty (1989).This characteristic half pavilion has a sharp four-sided pointed roof, two upturned eaves, white walls, patterned windows, red columns and grey tiles and is connected with an overhanging building of one line of pillars and five bays. 清婉室:清婉室于清光绪二十九年(公元1903年)由冯长卿创议而建,室名借用《诗经、齐风、猗嗟》中“猗嗟娈兮,清扬婉兮”中的“清婉”二字,以称赞薛涛诗品及人品。室内正中墙壁上装嵌有冯协中所画的薛涛道装石刻像,为清光绪二十九年(公元1903年)罗湘所立。室内还有贵阳陈矩的薛涛像赞和赵熙集唐诗联句等石刻。清婉室为木结构穿榫式建筑。一楹三开间,悬山式屋顶,一眷两坡,花格门窗,朱柱青瓦。整座建筑小巧玲珑,轻盈淡雅,堪称女诗人薛涛的适宜居所。 Qingwan Chamber: it was built because of the proposal of Ma Changqing in the 29 thyear of Emperor Guangxu’s reign in the Qing Dynasty (1903). Its name was quoted from the word “grace” in the lines of an ancient poem titled “Oh, the King!” in the “Song of the Qi Country” in the Book of Songs, and these lines are: “Oh! How handsome is the king! Both Raising and Lowering of his eyebrows seem so graceful and dignified.” The word “grace” is also a proper one for praising Xue Tao for her poetry. Right in the middle wall, there are two carved stones. The first is an encomium to the statue of Xue Tao, written by Chen Ju from Guiyang and an official of the Qing Dynasty. The other is a couple, which was written by famous litterateur Zhao Xi of the Qing Dynasty, who collected two lines of poetry of the Tang Dynasty. It is a tenoned wood building with one line of pillars, three bays, an overhanging gable roof, patterned doors and windows, red columns and grey tiles. 杜甫草堂 Du Fu Thatched Cottage 工部祠:“工部祠”是草堂主体建筑的最后一重。为供奉杜甫塑像和祭祀的飨殿。杜甫因做过“检校工部员外郎”,故有“杜工部”之称,此建筑因此命名为“工部祠”。“工部祠”匾额为我国著名文学家、教育家叶圣陶先生补书。工部祠,正中设杜甫神龕,东西两则设宋代诗人陆游、黄庭坚神龕配飨。祠内明清杜甫石刻及清乾隆、嘉庆二通“草堂石刻图”,都是十分珍贵的文物。 Gongbu Shrine: it’s the last major part of the memorial architecture compound of this museum. Du Fu was an advisor in Gongbu (the Ministry of Civil Works), hence his alias Du Gongbu and the shrine’s name came into being. The stele bears the calligraphy of Ye Shengtao, a well-known writer and educationalist in China. The statue of Du Fu is seated in the middle of this building, flanked and escorted in both sides by the statues of Lu You and Huang Tingjian, great poets of the Song Dynasty. 武侯祠 Wuhou Temple 荐馨堂:系刘湘墓园神道上最高大的建筑。面阔五间,重檐庑殿顶,建筑面积600平方米。 Jianxin Hall:At 600 m 2, it is the largest and tallest building ofthe holy passage in Liu Xiang Graveyard. 惠陵:即刘备陵墓,封土高十二米,墓墙周长一百八十米。《三国志》载:章武三年人亦先后合葬于此。 Huiling Tomb: namely LiuBei Tomb; it is 12m high, enclosed by a 180m long wall. According to the Records of Three Kingdoms, King Liu Bei was buried here in August 223AD and later his two wives, Madam Gan and Madam Wu. 冯习(?-公元222):字休元,南郡(湖北公安)人。随刘备征东吴,为大督,军败战死。塑与清道光二十九年(公元1849)。 Feng Xi (? - 222AD) surnamed Xiuyuan was from Nanjun County ( Gongan, Hubei Province). He died in a battle with the Wu Kingdom when the Shu army was defeated. The statue was made in the 29 thyear of Emperor Daoguang’s reign in the Qing Dynasty (1849). 唐碑:公元809年刻立。全名《蜀丞相诸葛武侯祠堂碑》,唐代名相裴度撰文,著名书法家柳公绰(柳公权之兄)书写,名匠鲁健镌刻。其文章、书法和镌刻极为精湛,被誉为“三绝碑”。 Tang Tablet (a tablet of the Tang Dynasty): it was engraved and erected in 809AD with the full name of Tablet of Wuhou Temple of Zhuge Liang. Pei Du, a famous premier in the Tang Dynasty, Liu Gongchuo (Liu Gongquan’s brother), a famous calligrapher, and Lu Jian, a famous craftsman worked in their own fields (writing, calligraphy and carving) producing the tablet. 姜维(公元201-264):字伯约,天水冀(甘肃甘谷)人。由曹魏归顺蜀汉,受诸葛亮器重。孔明死后,担负戍魏重任。魏军攻蜀,姜维奉刘禅之命降魏。后策动魏将钟会判魏,事败被杀。塑于清康熙十一年(公元1672年)。 Jiang Wei (201-264AD) surnamed Boyue a successor to Zhuge Liang, was from Gangu, Gansu and took command of the whole army in the late period of Kingdom Shu. Under the order from King Liu Chan, he led the army which surrendered to Kingdom Wei. He later was killed because he plotted to betray the Wei King with Zhong Kuai. The statue was made in the 11 thyear of Emperor Kangxi’s reign in the Qing Dynasty (1672). 返回搜狐,查看更多







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