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2024-05-21 02:02| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

This site specializes in debiting your…

This site specializes in debiting your bank account silently and steathily, Beware The fact that I was trying to make new friends made no difference to them. There is just $2.00 left in my bank account now No more money spending on them, Sorry R. I warned you that I was sick of it. and would disappear soon. I gave you my contact info but you didnt use it! Ouch I had somebody who I had been receiving messages from, a lady, but i CANT WRITE BACK. because they keep debiting money, NOTE when Youre retired, as we older folks often are, if they can take your money they do , this is horrible and intolerable, so I used an account with only a tiny amount of money in it. Which they seem to hate. Sorry. but...this site is dangerous for older normal people. who lets face it are lonely. this site is NOT what you need. it will try its best to take more of your money than you want them to silently and stealthily. Are they robots? Ulysses, stuff wax in your ears. They are "Sirens" Dont spend your money! This is Cicero on the Sirens..

…it was not the sweetness of their voices or the novelty and diversity of their songs, but their professions of knowledge that used to attract the passing voyageurs; it was the passion for learning that kept men rooted to the Sirens’ rocky shores. Homer was aware that his story would not sound plausible if the magic that held his hero immeshed was merely an idle song! It is knowledge that the Sirens offer, and it was no marvel if a lover of wisdom held this dearer than his home.

Date of experience: March 21, 2024






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