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2024-05-10 11:53| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Which of the following is the primary purpose of maintaining NPO for 6 to 8 hours before surgery? Section Break(Continuous)- A. To prevent malnutrition B. To prevent electrolyte imbalance C. To prevent aspiration pneumonia D. To prevent intestinal obstruction Section Break(Continuous) A burn patient who is being treated at burn center started to show decreased urine output, decreased blood pressure and increased pulse rate. The patient has developed progressive edema due to burn injury. Breath sound is clear and blood urea nitrogen value is normal. What complication the patient has developed? A. Acute renal failure B. Compartment syndrome C. Acute respiratory failure D. Distributive shock Section Break(Continuous) Which of the following nursing interventions is most likely to prevent respiratory complications such as pneumonia and atelectasis in a postsurgical patient? -Section Break(Continuous) A. Control of anxiety and agitation B. Adequate nutrition and fluid C. Adequate pain control D. Use of incentive spirometer Section Break(Continuous) The client tells the nurse during the preoperative history that he is a threepack a day cigarette smoker. This information alerts the nurse to which potential complication during the intraoperative and postoperative periods? A. A decreased tolerance to pain B. A decreased clotting ability C. An increased risk for atelectasis and hypoxia D. An increased risk for excessive scar tissue formation 24.Mr . X is brought to the emergency ward following a house fire, with burns over 35% of his body. The areas are blistered, mottled red base, broken epidermis and very painful when pressure is applied. Which type of burn does he have? Section Break(Continuous) A. Superficial partial A. Full thickness thickness B. Deep partial thickness B. First degree Mr. Y came with unstable chest due to multiple rib fracture because of an accident. What may be the shape of chest? Section Break(Continuous)- A. Barrel chest C. Funnel chest






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