colorscheme 您所在的位置:网站首页 vim24 colorscheme


2024-03-04 20:28| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

I have a problem with making vim show a colorscheme fully (like in gvim). I've read about how to enable 256 color mode in terminal and it vim, but somehow it just doesn't work. The state of now is:

:echo &t_Co returns 256

[~]$ tput colors 256 [~]$ echo $TERM xterm-256color

Colortest shows all the colors: colortest

But yet, vim doesn't show grey20 color of the colorscheme, instead using the terminal background. I also tried changing it to grey without success: hi Normal

The system is ubuntu 14.04. and the terminal gnome terminal, although I've tried with terminator and tmux, with no success.

Any idea what could gone wrong?






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