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2023-06-15 09:25| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

konsthjärta med intern kraftkälla

Explanation:Jag tror det syftas på det följande: "The AbioCor is designed to operate automatically and relatively quietly using energy supplied from either internal or external lithium batteries, eliminating the need for the patient to be immobilized through tubes to a stationary external power source. The internally implanted battery is an emergency battery kept charged continually by the external batteries, and provides up to 30 minutes of operation, with a six to eight hour capacity. Power transfer from external batteries to the implanted system is achieved with a TET (transcutaneous energy transmission) device. The TET system includes a set of coils, one internal and one external, which transmit power across the skin, without piercing the surface." och föreslår därför följande omskrivning: self-contained artificial heart > konsthjärta med intern kraftkälla--------------------------------------------------Note added at 2003-03-07 15:58:45 (GMT)--------------------------------------------------Om din översättning skall användas i populärpressen skulle du kunna säga \"sladdlöst konsthjärta\".






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