Quickly monetize with the new Amazon Appstore Billing Compatibility SDK 您所在的位置:网站首页 resultsfound Quickly monetize with the new Amazon Appstore Billing Compatibility SDK

Quickly monetize with the new Amazon Appstore Billing Compatibility SDK

#Quickly monetize with the new Amazon Appstore Billing Compatibility SDK| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

To ease the differences in API signatures and functionality, we developed these APIs in parallel with Google In-app Billing (IAB) functionality. Our endpoints handle the same parameters and return the expected values and billing functionality. The goal is once you edit the purchasing library name from IAB to IAP, your app has access to our full capabilities. Specifically, you will update all Google Play Billing imports in your app's codebase to use Appstore SDK imports by finding all usages of the com.android.billingclient.api prefix and replacing them with the com.amazon.device.iap.billingclient.api prefix.

The following example code shows how to add a BillingResponseReceiver to the AndroidManifest.xml file for the Appstore SDK:






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