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2023-03-04 17:54| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

kSAnti - Patiently Waiting | Dance Show Introduction


kSAnti – Patiently Waiting by Meenakshy Bhaskar and NUS Indian Dance, explores the idea that we are perpetually held in “waiting rooms” of one form or another, and powerful and profound things can happen in that time of waiting.

The concept of ksanti (Sanskrit for patience, forbearance, and forgiveness) is unfolded through characters from three Hindu mythological stories, set in modern times and features original music and a collaboration with poets Alvin Pang and visual images by Wong Zi Hao.

At a time when people expect everything to be instant, discover how humans and even the Gods are tested and triumph through patiently waiting.

Show Details kSAnti - Patiently Waiting Date: 19 March 2023 Time: 7:30 PM Venue: University Cultural Centre Theatre, NUS Address: 50 Kent Ridge Cres, Singapore 119279 Ticketing Information Tickets available on nusartsfestival.bigtix.io Price: $18

Information Source: NUS Centre For the Arts | Facebook






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