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2023-04-11 15:40| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Welcome to a teaser page for DDLC: After Luigi! I made this mod in a editing software, but it’s not done yet, as said in teaser. I have a full video on the beginning of the story, here’s the link:

Anyways, let me tell you about this mod. You are some sort of illegal assassin/spy, but you have retired after breaking your arm. Kind of like Fruits of the Literature Club, but not really. You have 2 friends, Doctor Mike and Jesse. You meet a girl named Sayori who wants to walk to school with you everyday. You find it annoying, but don’t want to be disrespectful. Then, after your first day of school, you meet Monika. She invites you to the literature club and you say yes. Then after school you hang out with Sayori, but remember that somebody needed to meet with you. So you rush down the stairs to the rendezvous. It’s Jesse. He tells you that he’s alive…

Also, can somebody help me download Renpy? It won’t work for me? Can somebody give me a link to a good tutorial? Thanks. And if you want to see the beginning, remember the link takes you to the video for the beginning.

Cheers, MonkeyGamer






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