Ravenswood Used Bookstore 您所在的位置:网站首页 literaturally Ravenswood Used Bookstore

Ravenswood Used Bookstore

2022-11-08 18:38| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Tucked away behind an unassuming storefront you will find a shop with a misnomer of a name: Ravenswood Used Bookstore (it’s located in Lincoln Square, not Ravenswood). Our hero and proprietor, Jim, has gathered such an incredible collection of used books that even the most well-traveled ‘bookies’ will find themselves lost in a labyrinth of pulp and fiction and truth and narrative, and lord knows what else. I’ve found more than a few treasures over the years, and I’m sure there’s a treasure there awaiting you, if you simply take the time to stop by and take a book. With the sheer volume of literature that is crammed into such a small space, and everything precariously balanced just so, every time I go here, I swear I am one book-pull away from bringing down the house – ‘literaturally.’ Transactions are made through cash or check, or even bartering if you have a work that Jim would like to add to his shelves for a future patron to discover.






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