IPv6 Configuration (relay single /64 prefix) 您所在的位置:网站首页 ipv6-pd openwrt IPv6 Configuration (relay single /64 prefix)

IPv6 Configuration (relay single /64 prefix)

2023-12-15 13:32| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Hi, I did once disable IPv6 (for reasons unknown even to myself). Now I am trying to get IPv6 properly working again and I seem to struggle (also, because I have no proper knowledge of ipv6). So I managed to get IPv6 addresses for my OpenWRT device:

ip_external ip_external1053×243 14.5 KB It can also ping devices on the outernet: ping ping1000×408 17.6 KB

I did some settings for my internal network:

ip_internal. ip_internal.570×660 22.1 KB And enabled the IPv6 DHCP: dhcp Now internal devices get assigned IPv6 addresses and are able to ping eachother: windows windows704×380 12.3 KB ping_internal ping_internal701×102 2.44 KB But there seems no connection to the outer world: ping_external

I probably missed something simple but I cannot figure out what it might be. I hope you can help me figuring out, what I might have missed. Also: The wan6 interface shows several /64 networks to be available. The uplink-router (by my ISP) officially does not support prefix delegation but it seems there are some prefixes available. Can I delegate IPs from within that ranges to the devices on my network? Thank you for your help






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