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ComicRack Free for Android

2023-08-24 18:53| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


ComicRack Free is a comic reader for Android that allows you to enjoy all your favorite comics from the small screen of your mobil phone, anytime, anywhere.

The app comes with tons of options that will make its users happy--from a double-paged view (which isn't recommended for devices with a small screen), to being able to zoom in certains areas, which is really helpful for appreciating the details.

Of course, the app also gives you the ability to easily manage your comics library, allowing you to organize them by format, date, name, read, unread, etc. In addition, you can set bookmarks that indicate exactly where you left off reading one of your comics.

ComicRack Free is an excellent comics reader that can get you out of a tight spot on more than one occasion. You can also sync it with the desktop version. We're talking about one of the best.






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