How to Use an ND Filter Calculator App for Long Exposures 您所在的位置:网站首页 calculateapp How to Use an ND Filter Calculator App for Long Exposures

How to Use an ND Filter Calculator App for Long Exposures

2023-04-05 08:29| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

An ND filter calculator app can be beneficial, but it is not a replacement for your own judgment and experience. The app cannot account for the accuracy and quality of your ND filter, which may have color casts, vignetting, or uneven density that can affect the exposure and color balance of your image. Additionally, light conditions may change during your long exposure depending on the time of day, weather, and season. You may need to adjust the exposure time or use a graduated ND filter to balance the exposure. When shooting moving objects such as water, clouds, or people, you may want to experiment with different exposure times to achieve different effects like smoothness, blur, or sharpness.






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