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2024-02-17 18:12| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Hi all,


I will sitting the HSK 4 exam shortly and I understand that for the e-test you can't see the multiple choices for the following questions in advance so you have to wait for them for each question.


I was just wondering how much time do you get to see the multiple choices before the audio starts? Is it like they say the question number and the answers show up or it shows up a couple of seconds before they say the question number? I can read fairly fast so if there is a few seconds I will be in a better position but if there is almost no time between the audio starting and the possible answers showing it will be a bit more tricky.


I read on other posts that some people felt they had enough time to roughly look at them all before the audio started but just wanted to get an idea of what to expect!






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