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Summer School

2023-06-26 19:09| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Because our courses are all self-paced, it means you can study when it suits you. You set your own schedule.  If you want to work out in the morning, you can do your studying in the afternoon or the evening.  

As you can see from our statistics (where blue means students are taking courses, and darker blue means more students), we see that students choose to study at all hours of the day or night. Some students are night owls and others are early birds.  They certainly don’t all work traditional school hours.  By setting your own study schedule, your courses don’t have to interfere too much with your summer activities.

In fact, if you have a laptop, or tablet, or any device with a web browser that you can carry around, you aren’t restricted from studying at your desk. You could study from your home, a coffee shop, the pool, or wherever you learn best.

The self-paced arrangement means that you can take the course as quickly or as slowly as you like. If you want to finish the course asap, you can commit the study hours and complete most courses in as little as 30 days. If you want to spread your studying out, or take multiple courses at the same time, you have up to 12 months to complete a course (and can request an extension if you need more time).






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