Solved: Re: [GTW] Issue with Lice Cold Retail Freezer 您所在的位置:网站首页 cruddbucket Solved: Re: [GTW] Issue with Lice Cold Retail Freezer

Solved: Re: [GTW] Issue with Lice Cold Retail Freezer

2024-04-24 11:36| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265



My Lice Cold Freezer did this too - I never minded that much, though - 


However, I purchased an additional two freezers for my retail store (admittedly around the same time the last patch updated), and all of the sudden customers are no longer able to purchase items from the freezer (they are however able to open and browse). Customers who have decided to purchase just wander around displaying the 'blocked' thought-bubble until they finally settle on an item that is on display, requiring a staff or family member to ring up the sale. 


I probably should have taken some shots or video before I packed up and sold the store, but it got so frustrating (after reloading, restarting, repairing... all the troubleshoots I could think of) that I gave up and thought I'd try again later (I'd been thinking about splitting my household, so it was a kind of catalyst .


Apologies if this has already been reported - I've read threads and scoured the (large!) list of bugs and googled and haven't found anything related to this specific bug. 


I'm playing on PC running Windows 7. I bought my Sims 4 and GTW as dvd's but for some reason origin made me digital download the games (incredibly annoying considering how * my internet connection is) - and I've not ever installed mods/custom content. 






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