Convert MP3 to WAV 您所在的位置:网站首页 Online Audio Converter Convert your audio files to MP3 Convert MP3 to WAV

Convert MP3 to WAV

2024-06-02 12:05| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

WAV files store audio content "without" any compression. This makes them much larger than other file types. Although WAV files can take lots of space to store, they also store audio in high quality. This makes them useful for heavy-use audio storage like professional music recording. WAV files are widely used and can be opened on Windows Media Player, QuickTime Player, VLC, and many more. (The only exception is Linux).

WAV files may also appear as ‘WAVE’ in your folder. They are the same file type, just spelt differently. Developed jointly by Microsoft and IBM, the WAV format stores audio data, track numbers, sample rate and bit rate. Content is stored in segments of uncompressed "chunks".






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