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Distinct representation of muscle weakness in QMG and

data-id="" >The Lancethttps://www.thelancet.com/pdfs/journals/laneur/PIIS1474-4422(18)30037-1.pdf[PDF]Distinct representation of muscle weakness in QMG and …网页2018年4月4日 · We would like to note the diference in quantitative representation of diferent muscle groups by QMG and MG-ADL, since we believe that this difference might provide an answer for the observed discrepancies. In QMG, eight (62%) of 13 items concern generalised weakness, whereas only three (38%) of eight items of MG-ADL are related to …

Distinct representation of muscle weakness in QMG and

data-id="" >The Lancethttps://www.thelancet.com/pdfs/journals/laneur/PIIS1474-4422(18)30036-X.pdf[PDF]Distinct representation of muscle weakness in QMG and …网页2018年4月4日 · Authors’ reply. We would like to thank Robert de Meel and colleagues for their interest in and comments on our Article.1The sub- analysis correlations between MG-ADL and QMG data in the phase 2 eculizumab trial2were based on change from baseline to week 16 in 13 patients who were refractory to immunosuppressive treatments.

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data-id="" >npojcsa.comhttps://npojcsa.com/data/media/posts/202108/pamphlet_h27.pdf[PDF]もっと、もっと知ってほしい - 日本こども支援協会网页2022年3月24日 · 概ね2~18歳の子どもたち約3万人が暮らしています。施 設への入所手続きは、都道府県等に設置される児童相 談所が、公的責任のもとで行っています。児童養護施設の在所児童数 入所時の年齢別児童数 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 昭和58年 平 …

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Distinct representation of muscle weakness in QMG and MG

data-id="" >The Lancethttps://www.thelancet.com/journals/laneur/article/PIIS1474-4422(18)30037-1/fulltextDistinct representation of muscle weakness in QMG and MG …网页3 天之前 · We would like to note the difference in quantitative representation of different muscle groups by QMG and MG-ADL, since we believe that this difference might provide an answer for the observed discrepancies. In QMG, eight (62%) of 13 items concern generalised weakness, whereas only three (38%) of eight items of MG-ADL are related to …





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