华为发布鸿蒙手机操作系统 有什么特点? 您所在的位置:网站首页 鸿蒙系统功能介绍大全 华为发布鸿蒙手机操作系统 有什么特点?

华为发布鸿蒙手机操作系统 有什么特点?

2023-10-01 07:24| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

华为发布鸿蒙手机操作系统 有什么特点?

中国日报网 2021-06-03 11:07

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6月2日,华为正式发布HarmonyOS 2(鸿蒙)及多款搭载该操作系统的新产品。

6月2日,华为正式发布HarmonyOS 2(鸿蒙)及多款搭载该操作系统的新产品。(图片来源:东方IC)


Chinese telecom giant Huawei on Wednesday officially launched its operating system HarmonyOS 2 for smartphones, providing customers worldwide with a competitive alternative that works on a diverse range of devices.6月2日,中国通讯巨头华为正式发布鸿蒙智能手机操作系统,该系统可搭载多个系列的产品,为全球用户提供了一个颇具竞争力的替代品。



这里的OS是operating system的简写形式,比如苹果的操作系统就是iOS,安卓的操作系统就是Android OS。

HarmonyOS, or Hongmeng in Chinese, is an open-source operating system designed for various devices and scenarios. It first launched on Internet-of-Things (IoT) devices, including wearables and tablets, in August 2019.鸿蒙是一个开源操作系统,可用于多个设备和场景。2019年8月,鸿蒙操作系统发布,主要用于可穿戴设备和平板等物联网设备。



As a next-generation operating system for smart devices, HarmonyOS provides a common language for different kinds of devices to connect and collaborate, providing users with a more convenient, smooth, and secure experience.鸿蒙系统是新一代智能终端操作系统,为不同设备的智能化、互联与协同提供统一的语言。鸿蒙更便捷、更流畅、更安全。


Zhao called HarmonyOS a "mega-terminal" that enables more streamlined and efficient cross-device connectivity.鸿蒙创造出了“超级终端”,使多设备互联更加简化、高效。


Streamline这个词用作动词表示“to improve the effectiveness of an organization such as a business or government, often by making the way activities are performed simpler”,即“通过简化办事流程来提高企业或政府机构的效率”,比如,streamline administration and delegate power就是时政类报道中经常提到的“简政放权”,The cost-cutting measures include streamlining administrative procedures in the company(降低成本的措施包括简化公司的行政流程)。

"HarmonyOS greatly enhances the interactive speed between devices and improves the efficiency of their computing power, thus providing customers with a more optimized cross-device user experience," said Zhao. 鸿蒙大大提升了多设备的交互速度,提高了设备算力的利用率,从而提供了一个更加优化的多设备用户体验。



"We are surrounded by more and more smart devices these days, and are now in a world where all things are connected," said Yu. "Every single one of us is a part of this fully connected world, as is every device. We look forward to working with more partners and developers to build a thriving HarmonyOS ecosystem," he said.随着每个人身边的智能设备越来越多,我们已步入万物互联时代。没有人是一个孤岛,每个人、每个设备都是万物互联大陆的一部分。我们希望与更多合作伙伴、开发者共同繁荣鸿蒙生态。




Chinese industries, including home appliances, sports and fitness, travel, entertainment, and education, have welcomed the launch of HarmonyOS.覆盖家电家居、运动健康、出行、娱乐、教育等领域的中国产业界对鸿蒙系统及其产业生态表现出积极态度。

In May, Midea Group, a leading Chinese home appliances maker, announced that it would roll out some 200 new products running on HarmonyOS by the end of this year.今年5月,中国家电业巨头美的集团宣布计划在年内推出近200款搭载鸿蒙系统的产品进入市场。

Huawei expects the number of devices equipped with HarmonyOS to reach 300 million by the end of 2021, including more than 200 million for Huawei devices.华为计划在2021年实现将鸿蒙系统覆盖3亿台设备,其中2亿台为自有设备。



research and development (R&D) 研究与开发

consumer business 消费者业务

Internet of Things (IoT) 物联网

in-house/self-developed operating system 自主研发的操作系统

software ecosystem 软件生态


(中国日报网英语点津 Helen)







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