Eduardo Felix on LinkedIn: Um líder tóxico vai te deixar emocionalmente devastado: nada que você faça… 您所在的位置:网站首页 音乐主题名称幼儿园中班 Eduardo Felix on LinkedIn: Um líder tóxico vai te deixar emocionalmente devastado: nada que você faça…

Eduardo Felix on LinkedIn: Um líder tóxico vai te deixar emocionalmente devastado: nada que você faça…

2023-05-07 09:44| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

After 15 years working for Swissport I had the chance to participate in several Leadership Trainings, since Swissport Academy has started. The name of the training has changed from the 1st time I did, the trainers has changed accross the time and the content has evolved. This week I had the chance to participate on ALP (Active Leadership Program) training, having my great colleague from MERCOSUR Claudia Le Fort as the trainer this time. It was great to review some of this content, learn and refresh some leadership skills and analyze how my leadership style has changed accross those years. Thanks Claudia Le Fort for being here and facilitate the ALP for us, with this "Porteño flavor" that was great! It was nice to meet you as a trainer, that I never had the chance to meet since I know you from many years. Carlos Britez thanks for allowing me to be part of BR Training group and invite me to participate. Thanks for te great leader you are who believe and invest in people development since the day 1 of your journey with Swissport. This one was very special as I have my new leader Fernando da Silveira Franco being part of it for the 1st time as a brand new Swissport leader, representing now IT Brazil. Esilma Oliveira, Laira Magalhães, Ana Bezerra, Elisabeth Muniz you are te best HR ever and you always rock when organize those events. Thanks for all the great background preparation you did. Congrats






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