英语口语对话听力:问路 您所在的位置:网站首页 问路口语对话交流 英语口语对话听力:问路


2024-06-18 06:05| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

以下是®无忧考网整理的《英语口语对话听力:问路》,希望大家喜欢!Asking for Directions问路

I went to Vancouver for a meeting this week. I have always liked Vancouver, and on top of that, my cousin Dominick just moved there.I got in touch with him and he invited me over to see his new place.On the way over, though, I got a little lost. I knew I was in the right area, but I was turned around. He lived in an apartment over an old bakery and I couldn't find it.我与他联系上了,他邀请我去看看他的新房子。但在去那的路上,我有点迷路了。我知道大致的地方我走对了,但我方向有点弄反了。他住在一家面包店上面的公寓中,但是我没有找到。


I stopped a man who was walking by to ask for directions.我叫住了一位男士向他问路。

Lucy: Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to the Cross Bakery building?(女):对不起,能告诉我到Cross bakery大楼怎么走吗?Man: The Cross Bakery building? Oh sure. You're actually walking in the opposite direction.(男):cross bakery大楼吗?当然,你现在的方向是反的。Lucy: Oh, you're kidding! I thought I was heading east.(女):不会吧,不认为我是在向东走。Man: No, east is the other direction. To get to the Bakery, you need to turn around and go three blocks to Broadway. When you get to the intersection of Broadway and Elm, you hang a left. Go straight down that street for half a block and then you'll see the building on your left.(男):不,东是另外一个方向。要去BAKERY大楼,你需要转身,然后走过三个街区到broadway大街。当你走到broadway 与elm大街交界的地方,向左转。再沿街走大约半个街区,然后在你左手边你就看得到那个大楼了。Lucy: Okay, let me see if I've got that. I need to go down Elm until I hit Broadway, then I make a left and the building is on my left hand side. Is that right?(女):OK,看我是不是明白了。我需要沿着ELM大街一直走到broadway大街,然后向左转,然后在我左边就能看到那个大楼了,对吗Man: Yeah, you've got it. Do you want me to show you the way?(男):是的,没错。需要我替您带路吗Lucy: Thanks for the offer, but I think I've got it. Hopefully, I won't get lost again on my way there!(女):多谢了,我想我能找到。希望在去那的路上我不再迷路了。

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