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2024-04-19 18:38| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

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Kelly and Jimmy Marks, 27 and 29, met on a cruise to Cozumel, Mexico:27岁的凯莉和29岁的吉米·马科斯相遇在墨西哥到科祖梅尔的路上:

She's from: Houston她来自:休斯顿

He's from: Dallas他来自:达拉斯

Relationship status: Married关系现状:已婚

"I went on a Carnival Cruise to Cozumel for my last Spring Break hurrah during college. On our first day on the cruise, I was in the elevator with my friend when I noticed a cute guy smiling at me. He didn't say anything, but over the next couple days, I kept running into him on the boat. Every time he would look right at me and smile, but I didn't do anything. Then, one day, my friend Cassie and I passed the smiling mystery man, and it turns out she knew him — they went to high school together! And it turns out we both lived in Dallas. On the last night of the cruise, he came up to me and started a conversation, and then he asked for my number. One week after the cruise, he asked out over Facebook message.“我乘坐嘉年华游轮去科祖梅尔过大学的最后一个春假。在游轮上第一天和朋友乘电梯时我注意到一个可爱的男孩朝我微笑。他什么也没说,但接下来的几天我总能在船上遇到他。每次他都会看我朝我微笑,但我没做任何反应。后来有一天,朋友凯西和我经过那个微笑的神秘男孩身边时,我发现她认识他——他们是高中同学!原来我们都住在达拉斯。在游轮上的最后一天晚上,他走到我身边开始跟我聊天,然后跟我要了电话。一周后,他在脸书上留言约我出去。

I said yes, and we had a great first date that led to many more. After three years as a couple, we got married, and this June will our three-year wedding anniversary. That spring break was one of the best things that ever happened to me."我答应了,我们第一次约会很开心,后来又继续约会。恋爱三年后我们结婚了,今年六月将迎来我们结婚三周年纪念。那个春假是我经历的最棒的事之一。”

—Kelly Marks——凯莉·马科斯







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