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2023-12-28 21:09| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Patrick Khoo, 34, and Christina Bellantoni, 36, met at a bar in Santorini, Greece:34岁的帕特里克·邱和36岁的克里斯蒂娜·贝兰托尼相遇在希腊圣托里尼岛的一家酒吧:

She's from: San Jose, California她来自:加利福尼亚的圣何塞

He's from: Adelaide, Australia他来自:澳大利亚的阿德莱德

Relationship status: Married关系:已婚

"Back when I lived in London, I went to Greece with a friend for my 32nd birthday. On the night before my birthday, my buddy and I were at a bar when two lovely ladies walked in and sat down next to us. I tried to engage in conversation, but while one smiled, the other blew me off — and then they left. After midnight (my official birthday!), my buddy convinced me to go to one last bar, and those same girls were there. My friend told them it was my birthday, so the rest of the night went much better, especially because I hit it off with the one who’d originally smiled, Christina. We spent the night drinking, laughing, and dancing. Christina told me that she lived in Washington D.C., and I told her about my pre-existing plans to visit D.C. later that year (I actually had tickets to New York but was taking a gamble)."“那时我住在伦敦,和朋友去希腊过32岁生日。我生日的前一天晚上,和朋友去了一家酒吧,有两个可爱的美女走进来坐在我们旁边,我想和她们聊聊,但其中一个人只是对我笑笑,另一个也不愿意理我,后来她们就离开了。过了半夜(到我生日了!),朋友劝我最后再去一家酒吧,又碰到那两个女孩了,朋友跟她们说我过生日,接下来情况就好多了,尤其还因为我跟最开始微笑的那个女孩克里斯蒂娜还挺合得来。我们那天晚上一起喝酒、开怀大笑、一起跳舞,克里斯蒂娜告诉我她住在华盛顿特区,我跟她说我之前就计划年末要去华盛顿特区(其实我本来要去纽约,我只是想赌一把)。

"We spent the next day together, exchanged info at the end, and stayed in touch via Facebook over the next few months. I visited her in D.C., and a couple weeks after that, Christina had a work conference in Zurich, so I flew over from London — and that's when we talked about making a long-distance relationship work. We dated for about a year, with many flights between D.C. and London, and then I proposed in D.C. She said yes! We've since moved to L.A., where Christina got a new job, and we couldn't be happier."第二天我们又一起玩,最后交换了联系方式,接下来的几个月一直在脸书上联系。我去华盛顿看她,几周后她去苏黎世开会,我就从伦敦飞过去,就是那时我们谈到了要建立恋爱关系。我们约会了一年,往返于华盛顿特区和伦敦,后来我打算留在华盛顿,她同意了!那以后我们搬到了洛杉矶,克里斯蒂娜找了一份新工作,我们特别开心。”

— Patrick Khoo——帕特里克·邱







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