英语口语情景对话:The GM debate 转基因争论 您所在的位置:网站首页 转基因食品英语介绍 英语口语情景对话:The GM debate 转基因争论

英语口语情景对话:The GM debate 转基因争论

2024-06-18 20:09| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

★®无忧考网英语口语频道为网友整理的,供大家参考学习。Todd: Hey, Akane, I was reading in the paper that China is doing research on genetically modified foods and is considering it. The United States is for using genetically modified foods, (I see) but Europe is against it. (Oh, right) So you're from Canada, what do you think?

托德:嘿,茜,我看到报纸上的新闻说中国将进行转基因食物的研究,而且目前正在考虑。美国是支持使用转基因食物的,(我知道)可是欧洲是禁止的。(没错)你来自加拿大,你怎么看这个问题?Akane: Well, I think it's a great idea to have genetically modified foods.茜:我认为转基因食物是个很棒的主意。Todd: Why?托德:为什么?Akane: Well, I think that especially for countries like China research shows that the people in China, the quality of their life is going to be of the level of the people in America within the next thirty years, and if this world is going to support that kind of population, we definitely need more resources in order to make food to support the population.茜:我认为尤其是对像中国这样的国家来说,研究表明中国人的生活质量在未来三十年内达到美国人的生活水平,如果世界要支持那种规模的人口,我们肯定需要更多的资源来生产食物去支持那些人口。Todd: Do you worry more that maybe there haven't been enough tests on genetically modified foods, that there might be side effects that could lead to cancer, or could maybe ruin the naturally life cycle of the plants?托德:你不担心如果转基本食物没有进行足够的试验,可能会产生副作用吗,可能会导致癌症,或者破坏植物的自然生命周期?Akane: Uh, definitely, I think there is lots of reasons to be concerned and that's why the research has to be taken carefully and slowly and there has to be laws and procedures in place so that the research is controlled and that foods are tested before people can use them.茜:当然了,我认为要考虑很多原因,这就是为什么要仔细、缓慢进行研究的原因,而且还要出台的相应的法律和程序,这样研究就能得到控制,而且可以对那些食物进行测试,之后再供人们食用。Todd: So, you're saying that they should do research but it's OK to go ahead and try to use it now?托德:你是说他们应该做研究,然后可以继续并试着应用?Akane: Well, if there is reason to think that it is safe after many tests then, then I think we should start using it for the future.茜:如果在进行了多次试验后有理由证明是安全的,那我认为为了未来我们应该开始使用这些食物。Todd: Mm, I mean, I can understand why people would want to use genetically modified foods because in terms of drought or insects eating the plants or feeding really impoverished areas like Africa and parts of Asia (Right) it's useful but we really don't know, I mean, aren't you a little bit worried that if you rush it you don't give enough time for the tests, you know, if it's really harmful to the environment or the people.托德:我是说,我可以理解人们为什么希望食用转基因食物,因为考虑到干旱、虫灾或是像非洲和亚洲部分地区那些贫瘠的土地,(对)这些食物用处很大,可是我们不知道,我是说,如果没有进行足够的试验就仓促食用,你不担心吗,那对环境和人类的害处非常大。Akane: For sure, so I don't think we should rush it, but at the same time I don't think we should completely stop the research, either because the fact is the population is growing and these people are going to have to eat food so if genetically modified foods can help people to eat and survive and for the human population to survive then we're going to have to continue with the research.茜:那是肯定的,所以我认为我们不应该仓促食用,同时我也认为我们不应该完全停止研究,因为事实是人口在不断增长,而这些人都要吃东西,所以如果转基因食物可以帮助人们生存,可是帮助人类生存,那我们就应该继续这项研究。Todd: That's a pretty solid argument. I pretty much agree with you on that.托德:这是个非常有说服力的观点。在这点上我非常同意你的观点。Akane: Thanks.茜:谢谢。Todd: OK, thanks, Akane.托德:好,谢谢你,茜。

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