歌曲《New York》的歌词完整版 您所在的位置:网站首页 证劵指数怎么看 歌曲《New York》的歌词完整版

歌曲《New York》的歌词完整版

#歌曲《New York》的歌词完整版| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

New York的歌词完整版,是U2演唱的歌曲,发布于All That You Can’t Leave Behind,以下是这首歌词的内容:

In New York freedom looks like

Too many choices

In New York I found a friend

To drown out the other voices

Voices on a cell phone

Voices from home

Voices of the hard sell

Voices down a stairwell

In New York

Just got a place in New York

In New York summers get hot

Well into the hundreds

You can’t walk around the block

Without a change of clothing

Hot as a hair dryer in your face

Hot as handbag and a can of mace

New York

I just got a place in New York

New York New York

In New York you can forget

Forget how to sit still

Tell yourself you will stay in

But it’s down to Alphaville

New York

New York New York

New York New York

New York

The Irish been coming here for years

Feel like they own the place

They got the airport city hall

Asphalt asphalt

They even got the police

Irish Italians Jews and Hispanics

Religious nuts political fanatics in the stew

Happily not like me and you

That’s where I lost you

New York

New York New York

New York

New York New York

New York

New York

In New York I lost it all

To you and your vices

Still I’m staying on to figure out

My midlife crisis

I hit an iceberg in my life

You know I’m still afloat

You lose your balance lose your wife

In the queue for the lifeboat

You got to put the women and children first

But you’ve got an unquenchable thirst for New York

New York

New York

New York New York

In the stillness of the evening

When the sun has had its day

I heard your voice whispering

Come away now

New New York


New York

New York


《All That You Can’t Leave Behind(无法遗忘)》(2000)这张新专辑保留了60年代节奏蓝调的曲风,在某些方面与The Beach Boys的经典名作《Pet Sounds》有几分相似。音乐的表现更加自然、合理,重点再度转向鼓,流畅的快感像是工业摇滚吉他节拍贯穿的Elevation。在素材取样过程中,乐队尽量不让这些制作加工盖过弹奏本身,柔缓的切分音形成的鼓乐与旋律性的节奏吉他,慢慢弥漫着灵魂乐感觉。






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