解读短道速滑运动员大幅度倾斜身体过弯的力学原理1) 您所在的位置:网站首页 观看短道速滑比赛作文 解读短道速滑运动员大幅度倾斜身体过弯的力学原理1)


2023-06-12 15:57| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Short-track speeding skaters need to maintain a high degree of body inclination while passing through the curve. Such phenomenon implies rich mechanics, and it serves as a valuable case for mechanics teaching. In this work we explain the underlying mechanics for the high-degree body inclination phenomenon through kinematical and dynamical investigation. We introduced the formulae for centripetal acceleration of a mass point in uniform circular motion through the first and second Newtown's laws combined with experimental demonstrations. Based on D'Alembert's principle, an inertial force was introduced to the noninertial system which is attached to the skater. We then carried out analysis on the necessity for body inclination during the curve motion. The mathematical formula for the body inclination angle was provided. The corresponding results were verified by a mini track experiment. We discussed the related parameters which depend on the linear velocity and radius of curvature that vary with the established tactics and the real match situation. Finally, the key factors were provided for the short-track speeding skaters while passing through the curves.

Keywords: short-track speeding skating; centripetal acceleration; D'Alembert's principle; dynamics






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