蝙蝠侠:黑暗骑士崛起The Dark Knight Rises、英文台词翻译、剧本翻译、中英文对照、剧本下载 您所在的位置:网站首页 蝙蝠侠英文单词 蝙蝠侠:黑暗骑士崛起The Dark Knight Rises、英文台词翻译、剧本翻译、中英文对照、剧本下载

蝙蝠侠:黑暗骑士崛起The Dark Knight Rises、英文台词翻译、剧本翻译、中英文对照、剧本下载

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警方怀疑珠宝店失窃系"猫女"所为亿万富翁沦落为流浪汉玛莎和托马斯·韦恩福利院谨此献给那些为年轻孤儿慷慨奉献的爱心人士们我认识哈维·丹特I knew Harvey Dent.我曾是他的挚友I was his friend.已经有很长时间没有出现过And it will be a very long time before像他这样能如此激励我们的人someone inspires us the way he did.我相信哈维·丹特I believed in Harvey Dent.帕维尔博士 我是中情局的Dr. Pavel, I'm CIA.他不是一个人He wasn't alone.-你不能带朋友来 -他们不是我的朋友-Uh, you don't get to bring friends. -They are not my friends.别担心 不收他们机票钱Don't worry, no charge for them.他们有什么用处And why would I want them?他们能增加你的筹码They were trying to grab your prize.他们是那个雇佣兵They work for the mercenary.面具男的手下The masked man.-贝恩 -嗯- Bane? - Aye.让他们上飞机 我会通知上级Get them onboard. I'll call it in.我给情报局发的飞行计划中The flight plan I just filed with the agency只记录了我 我的手下 帕维尔博士lists me, my men, Dr. Pavel here和你们中的一个but only one of you!谁第一个开口 谁就能留在飞机上First one to talk gets to stay on my aircraft!是谁雇你们抓帕维尔博士Who paid you to grab Dr. Pavel?他好像有点晕机He didn't fly so good!谁还想来试试Who wants to try next?告诉我贝恩的事Tell me about Bane!他为什么要戴面具Why does he wear the mask?一个雇佣兵为什么这么忠心A lot of loyalty for a hired gun!也许他只是奇怪 既然要把人扔出飞机Well, perhaps he's wondering why someone would shoot a man为什么还要开枪打死他before throwing him out of a plane.你好歹开口了At least you can talk.你是谁Who are you?我们是谁并不重要It doesn't matter who we are.重要的是我们的计划What matters is our plan.在我戴上面具之前 没人关心我是谁No one cared who I was till I put on the mask.我要是把它拿下来 你会死吗If I pull that off, will you die?会痛得要死It would be extremely painful.你这么大块头也会痛吗You're a big guy.我是指你For you.被抓也是你计划之中的吗Was getting caught part of your plan?当然Of course.帕维尔博士拒绝了我们而转投了你们Dr. Pavel refused our offer in favor of yours.我们要知道他都说了什么We had to find out what he told you...没有 我什么都没说Nothing. I said nothing.恭喜你 成功让自己被逮住了Well, congratulations, you got yourself caught!-长官 -那你伟大计划的下一步是什么- Sir? - Now what's the next step of your master plan?坠机Crashing this plane不留活口with no survivors.紧急情况Mayday, Mayday!你要对我做什么 放开我Aah! What you doing to me? Let me out!不No!不要No, no, no! No!不 我们得留个人在残骸里 兄弟No! They expect one of us in the wreckage, brother.战火点燃了吗Have we started the fire?没错 战火会越燃越烈Yes, the fire rises.老实点 博士 现在不是害怕的时候Calm down, doctor. Now is not the time for fear.时机还未到That comes later.哈维·丹特日也许不是我们最悠久的节日Harvey Dent Day may not be our oldest public holiday它却也是最重要的节日之一 所以今晚我们相聚于此but we're here tonight because it's one of the most important.哈维·丹特不屈不挠地抗争组织犯罪Harvey Dent's uncompromising stand against organized crime他的努力令哥谭市had made Gotham a safer place在他八年前殉职时变得更加安全than it was at the time of his death, eight years ago.这座城市见证了一个历史性的转折This city has seen a historic turnaround.没有哪座城市可以杜绝犯罪No city is without crime,但这座城市不会再有组织犯罪but this city is without organized crime因为丹特法案为执法部门because the Dent Act gave law enforcement teeth打击黑帮提供了强力的法律保障in its fight against the mob.现在有人说到要撤销丹特法案Now people are talking about repealing the Dent Act而我要说 在我任期内 这绝不会发生and to them I say, "Not on my watch."我要感谢韦恩基金会举办了这场宴会I want to thank the Wayne Foundation for hosting this event.而我听说韦恩先生无法亲临现场I'm told Mr. Wayne couldn't be here tonight.但我确信他的精神与我们同在I'm sure he's with us in spirit.现在 让我们有请一位重要人物And now I'm gonna give way to an important voice这几天有人见过韦恩吗You ever lay eyes on Wayne at one of these things?没人 好几年没人见过他了No one has. Not in years.人们曾轻信了people put their faith一名穿戴面具和斗篷的恶徒in a murderous thug in a mask and a cape.而他背叛了这位伟人的信任A thug who showed his true nature并且将其残忍♥地杀害when he betrayed the trust of this great man最后暴露了自己的本性and murdered him in cold blood.别急着走呀 美人儿Sweetheart, not so fast with the chow.-虾球 -谢了- Shrimp balls? - Thank you.吉姆·戈登将告诉你们哈维·丹特的真♥相♥Jim Gordon can tell you the truth about Harvey Dent.让他亲自来讲述吧I'll let him tell you himself.有请戈登局长Commissioner Gordon.真♥相♥...The truth?我本来I have准备了一份讲稿written a speech将哈维·丹特的真♥相♥公之于众telling the truth about Harvey Dent.也许时机还未到Maybe the time isn't right.也许现在Maybe right now你们只需要知道all you need to know is that黑门监狱里关押了一千名犯人there are 1000 inmates in Blackgate Prison这都要归功于丹特法案as a direct result of the Dent Act.他们之中有暴♥力♥歹徒These are violent criminals,还有犯罪团伙的头目essential cogs in the organized-crime machine.也许现在 对于哈维·丹特的殉职Maybe, for now, all I should say我应该说的是about the death of Harvey Dent is this:他的死是值得的It has not been for nothing.你见过这房♥子的主人吗You see the guy who owns the house?没有 我听说他从不出东楼No. I heard he never leaves the east wing.听说他出了场意外I heard he had an accident.-让他毁了容... -蒂尔先生- Yeah, that he's disfigured. He has to wear a... - Mr. Till?你的人为什么在走主楼梯Why are your people using the main staircase?博尔顿女士在哪And where's Mrs. Bolton?她在酒吧 先生 有什么要我效劳吗Uh, she's at the bar, sir. Can I help?去东楼的客厅The east drawing room.打开门 把盘子放到桌子上Unlock the door, put the tray on the table,再把门锁上 不要做其他事lock the door again. Nothing more.很抱歉 塔特小姐 我尽力了 但他还是不肯见你I'm sorry, Miss Tate. I tried, but he won't see you.你可千万别往心里去And you mustn't take it personally.谁都知道韦恩把自己锁在屋里Everyone knows that Wayne's holed up in there成天用长得要命的指甲开罐子with 8-inch nails peeing into Mason jars.谢谢你让我到这里来It's very good of you to let me on the grounds.你为什么要在一个Why are you wasting your time trying to talk to a man把你的钱砸进who threw away your所谓世界节能的空想项目上的人身上浪费时间investment on some save-the-world vanity project?他赚不回你的投资 但我可以He can't get your money back. I can.我这么解释吧I could try explaining世界节能这个项目that a save-the-world project,徒劳与否 都值得投资 达格特先生vain or not is worth investing in, Mr. Daggett.但你只知道有钱能使鬼推磨But you understand only money and the power you think it buys所以我为什么要在你身上浪费时间so why waste my time indeed?第二班换班了吗Second shift reports in?你该多花点时间陪陪市长You should spend more time with the mayor.那是你部门的职责Well, that's your department.他没看犯罪数据吗Anyone shown him the crime stats?他相信自己的感觉He goes by his gut and it bothers him,他不相信数据no matter what the numbers.他妻子一定很喜欢这种风格






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