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#主页| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Research Fields

High performance computer architecture and system software, cloud computing and big data processing, Parallel computing and programming model, storage devices and distributed storage systems, AI parallel algorithm optimization.


Education and Work Resume

He graduated from the computer hardware major of Xi'an Jiaotong University in 1985, obtained the master's degree in computer architecture of Xi'an Jiaotong University in 1990, and obtained the doctor's degree in computer science of Keio University in Japan in 1999.

He was mainly engaged in industrial control computer and its application research from 1987 to 1994, and parallel computer interconnection network technology from 1995 to 1999. Since 2000, he was mainly engaged in the research of high-performance computer architecture, parallel algorithm and programming model, grid computing, cloud computing, big data processing, storage system, etc.


Research Projects

The main projects in recent years are as follows:

[1]. Reliability and persistence of big data hybrid storage, National key R & D program, 2016.07-2020.06

[2]. A study of unified programming framework for heterogeneous many-core system, Natural Science Foundation of China, 2016.01-2019.12

[3]. Research on stepwise fitting optimization technology of heterogeneous multi-core system, Natural Science Foundation of China, 2012.01-2015.12

[4]. Research on programming model and runtime support technology for multi-core processor architecture, 863 project, 2009.1-2010.12

[5]. Research on resource management model for verifying service quality and its planning, Natural Science Foundation of China, 2008.01-2010.12


Academic and Scientific Research Achievements

More than 200 papers have been published in academic journals and international conferences, more than 50 papers have been retrieved by SCI and more than 200 by EI.

More than 30 patents have been authorized, and 10 software copyrights have been registered.

Won the National Science and Technology Award, Science and Technology Award of Shandong Province, Science and Technology Award of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology Award of Shaanxi Province, etc.







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