analogy修辞手法例句 您所在的位置:网站首页 英语修辞手法analogy例句 analogy修辞手法例句


2024-06-02 02:49| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

类比英文答:agglutinating analogy 粘着类推 analogy computer 模拟电脑 三,例句:1,He drew an analogy between the brain and a vast computer.他把大脑比作一台庞大的计算机。2,It is sometimes easier to illustrate an abstract concept by analogy with (= by comparing it with) something concrete....

make an analogy是什么意思答:[例句]It is probably easier to make an analogy between the courses of the planets, and two trains travelling in the same direction.将行星的运行比作两列火车朝同一方向行驶可能更容易些。

analogy是什么意思及反义词答:[例句]This is only by way of analogy.; This is just an analogy.这不过是个比方。[复数]analogies

英语当中什么是类比的修辞手法???答:Analogy(类比):将两个本质上不同的事物就其共同点进行比较,是通过比喻手法的综合运用帮助说明道理或描述某种复杂情况。例:Appropriate praise to a child is what the sun is to a flower。恰当的赞扬对孩子的作用,就像阳光对于花朵的作用一样。(这里把“赞扬的作用”和“阳光的作用”进行类比)Wr...

各种修辞手法的英文答:各种修辞手法的英文如下:1) Simile:(明喻)It is a figure of speech which makes a comparison between two unlike elements having at least one quality or characteristic (特性)in common. To make the comparison, words like as,, as if and like are used to transfer the ...

metaphor 和 analogy的区别答:metaphor ['metəfə]n. 隐喻,暗喻 例句:In poetry the rose is often a metaphor for love.玫瑰在诗中通常作为爱的象征。She has a striking originality in her use of metaphor.她在运用隐喻方面有独创性。analogy n.比拟,类比,类推 Other executives think the Japanese influence...

analogy和metaphor的区别是什么?答:4.Analogy让人们更好地理解新概念,通过与相关的东西进行比较,而metaphor更多地是一种存在于诗歌、文学和艺术创作中的修辞手段。例句:It is probably easier to make an analogy between the courses of the planets, and two trains travelling in the same direction.将行星的运行比作两列火车朝同一...

求几个英语修辞格的英文定义答:An analogy is comparable to metaphor and simile in that it shows how two different things are similar, but it’s a bit more complex. Rather than a figure of speech, an analogy is more of a logical argument. The presenter of an analogy will often demonstrate how two things are...

类似英文怎么说?答:superficial analogy 表面相似 五、词形变化 复数: analogies 六、双语例句 It is sometimes easier to illustrate an abstract concept by analogy with something concrete.有时通过与某种具体事物的类比,更容易说明某个抽象的概念。A close analogy with the art of singing can be made.可以用歌唱艺术...

analogy和metaphor有什么区别?答:五、双语例句 analogy 1、A close analogy with the art of singing can be made.可以用歌唱艺术作类比。2、People learn new knowledge and new skills by analogy.人们利用类比学习新知识、新技能,进行科学发现和创造。3、The Application of Analogy to the Teaching of Basic Computer in Colleges...


涂飘15177316978:用比喻和拟人的修辞手法造句. - 明莫 ...... 太阳像一个大火球.(比喻) 太阳公公正在笑呢!(拟人)

涂飘15177316978:用拟人的修辞手法造句 - 明莫 ...... 原发布者:飘兰若雪吕一把吊椅摇过阳台.明喻:一把吊椅像一个欢快地姑娘,在阳台上旋转着.暗喻:在阳台上摇着,那把吊椅成了一位舞蹈家.借喻:一本记载回忆的日记在阳台上翻动.博喻:一把吊椅摇过阳台,像挥洒的画笔,像律动...

涂飘15177316978:求4个英文例句分别用 simile, metaphor , personification, irony 的修辞手法.谢谢! - 明莫 ...... simile:the sun is like a golden coin. metaphor:the sun is a golden coin. personification: the stars are blinking at me irony:不会,自己造.

涂飘15177316978:用比喻,拟人的修辞手法造句 - 明莫 ...... 比喻手法造句: 1、书是钥匙,能开启智慧之门.书是阶梯,帮助人们登上理想的高峰.书是良药,能医治愚昧之症.书是乳汁,哺育人们成长.书是你的最好伴侣,与你共度美好时光. 2、春节到了,彩灯亮起来了,商品多起来了,老百姓笑...

涂飘15177316978:医生,用修辞手法造句 - 明莫 ...... 医生是名词做主语 造句:医生是救死扶伤的白衣天使.

涂飘15177316978:英语25个修辞手法以及例句 急需要英语的25个修辞手法以及其对应的2个例句.2 个哈!当然多多益善 - 明莫 ...... [答案] 英语修辞手法1) Simile:(明喻)It is a figure of speech which makes a comparison between two unlike elements having at least one quality or characteristic (特性)in common. To make the comparison, words...

涂飘15177316978:15种修辞手法以及解释和例句 - 明莫 ...... 初中生一共要掌握8种修辞手法以及它的作用,在初一和初二阶段,修辞手法考题主要以仿写句子为主.步入初三阶段,修辞手法考试题型就会出现在阅读理解当中.初中语文阅读理解修辞手法及其作用问题题型:请结合全文内容,赏析下句所...

涂飘15177316978:用拟人修辞手法造句? - 明莫 ...... 用拟人修辞手法造句的方法如下: 一.例句: 1、风儿清唱著歌,唤醒了沉睡中的大地. 2、顽皮的雨滴最爱在雨伞上尽情的跳舞.. 3、船头飞溅起的浪花,吟唱着欢乐的歌儿. 4、秋天到了,树上金红的果子露出了笑脸,她在向着我们点头微笑...

涂飘15177316978:犀利怎么用修辞手法造句 - 明莫 ...... 【例句】1、“我们走着瞧,”老绅士用犀利的目光看了他一眼回答说. 2、 他们没走多远,那位见事犀利的红土贩子就忽然想到,他要是作出容易受感动的样子来,那他的行动就显得更聪明了. 3、 她和路易·艾黎的那些词锋犀利的文章,今天还可以从那份杂志发了黄的卷页上找到. 4、 遍地都是厚厚一层三菱形的、犀利的小桔子.

涂飘15177316978:同时运用反复,拟人的修辞手法造句 - 明莫 ...... [答案] 我是一名教师,我希望我的回答能给你一些帮助: 春天来了,她用温柔的大手拂醒了大地;春天来了,她用温柔的话语唤醒了鲜花和绿草.






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