世界航司ICAO码呼号对照表 您所在的位置:网站首页 航司代码rh 世界航司ICAO码呼号对照表


2023-08-10 06:07| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


The data is for reference only, and timeliness cannot be guaranteed;

② 客运航空包含干线客运航司、支线客运航司及通勤航司;

Passenger airlines include trunk passenger airlines, branch passenger airlines and commuter airlines;


General aviation includes general aviation and aviation rescue service companies,but does not include general airlines that carry out regular flights;


Cargo Airlines includes Airlines whose fleets are all cargo aircrafts;

客货运航空包含公司同时拥有客货机或拥有 Combi 机的航司;

Passenger and Cargo Airlines include airlines with both passenger and cargo aircrafts or operate Combi 



LCC only include airlines that clearly advertises itself as low-cost airlines, excluding semi low-cost airlines;


Business aviation includes business aviation division, Royal / government flight team and charter 

companies without scheduled flight services;

③ 不包含历史航司、未开航且无近期将交付飞机的航司及目前无现役机队的航司;

This document does not include historical airlines, airlines that have not started flights and have no 

aircraft to be delivered in the near future, and airlines that currently have no active fleet;

④ 中文译名首先尊重官方译名;若无官方译名则使用既有译名;若亦没有既有中文名,但英文名词义清晰,则以意译为名;若词义不清则以音译为名;少部分航司无中文既有名也无法翻译的,不填写中文名。有多个译名的取传播更广者。部分词语在多家航司中多次出现,故在译名中加以国家名用以区分。部分航空公司中文含义相同,已尽量加以区分,但仍有极少数中文译名完全相同;

Ofiicial translation name has the first Priority when the tabulator selecting the Chinese name; If there is no official translation, the existing translation will be used; If there is no existing Chinese name either, but the meaning of the English name is clear, the free translation result will be taken as its name; If the meaning of the word is unclear, the transliteration will be taken as the name; If a small number of airlines are not named in Chinese and cannot be translated, their Chinese name will be intentionally blanked. If there are more than one Chinese name, the more widely disseminated one will be selected. Some words have appeared in dual airlines for multible times, so the translated names are distinguished by the country names. Due to some airlines have the same meaning in Chinese, there are very few Chinese names that are completely the same;

⑤ 加粗的为中大型航空公司,红色加粗的为中国航司,红色加粗黄底的为世界主流或知名航司。

The bold ones are medium and large airlines, the red bold ones are airlines of China, and the red bold ones with yellow background are mainstream airlines or worldwide well-known carriers.

⑥ 中国台湾地区航司的中文呼号均为非官方呼号,台湾飞行员一般习惯在大陆使用英语进行陆空通话。


The Chinese callsigns of airlines from Chinese Taipei are unofficial. Taiwanese pilots used to using English for radiotelephony communication in China Mainland. Since airlines from Hong Kong SAR and Macao SAR uniformly use English for radiotelephony communication, there is no Chinese callsign.







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