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2022-05-12 11:21| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265




Has anything been decided yet? 已经作出什么决定了吗?

he trainees decide among themselves what programs to take. 受训者自行选择课程。

所有格:He is Fred's best friend. -'s。

动词的第三人称单数:Alfredo works. -s。

过去时:Fred worked. -ed ,但亦有不规则变化。

现在分词/进行时态:Fred is working. -ing(如果动词的末音节为辅音结尾的闭音节,则须双写末辅音,如running)。

过去分词:The car was stolen. -en;Fred has talked to the police. -ed,但亦有不规则变化。

动名词:Working is good for the soul. -ing。

复数:Fred has two blue eyes. -s(如果名词的尾字是s、x或sh,则需加-es,如boxesdishes)。

比较级:Fred is smarter than Rick.形容词末尾加-er,多音节(3+)在前面加more,如“more difficult”。

最高级:Fred has the fastest car.形容词末尾加-est,多音节(3+)词在前面加most,如“the most difficult”。




2、decide用作不及物动词时,通常跟介词about或on〔upon〕。跟on〔upon〕连用时表示“就重大事情作出决定”或在多种情况〔事物〕中“作出选择”; 与about连用时表示“就一般事情作出决定”。



英 [dɪ'saɪd],美 [dɪ'saɪd]

vi. 决定,下决心

vt. 决定;解决;判决


1.Has anything been decided yet? 已经作出什么决定了吗?

2. he trainees decide among themselves what programs to take. 受训者自行选择课程。

3. After a long discussion, they decided in favour of (= chose ) the older applicant. 经过长时间的讨论,他们决定选那位较年长的求职者。

decide to do sth

4. Tina’s decided to go to Rome for her holidays. 蒂娜已决定去罗马度假。

decide (that)

5. It was decided that four hospitals should close. 已决定要关闭四家医院。

decide who/what/whether etc

6. I can’t decide whether I like him or not. 我说不清是否喜欢他。

7.People have a right to decide how to spend their own money. 民众有权决定怎么花自己的钱。

decide between sth

8. A meeting was called to decide between the three candidates. 召开了一次会议来决定在这三名候选人中选哪位。

decide for yourself (=make your own decision)自己作决定

9. You must decide for yourself. 你必须自己作决定。

decide against/in favour of (doing) sth

10.He eventually decided against telling her. 他最终还是决定不告诉她。

11. [T] to influence a situation or event so that a particular result is produced


12.It was the penalty kick that decided the match. 那个点球决定了比赛的胜负。

13. [T] to be the reason for someone making a particular choice


14. Taxes could be the deciding factor for millions of floating voters. 税收对数百万游离选民来说可能成为决定性因素。

decide sb to do sth

15. The look he gave her decided her not to ask. 他看她的神情使她决定不问了。



英 [dɪ'saɪd],美 [dɪ'saɪd]

vi. 决定,下决心

vt. 决定;解决;判决


1.Has anything been decided yet? 已经作出什么决定了吗?

2. he trainees decide among themselves what programs to take. 受训者自行选择课程。

3. After a long discussion, they decided in favour of (= chose ) the older applicant. 经过长时间的讨论,他们决定选那位较年长的求职者。

decide to do sth

4. Tina’s decided to go to Rome for her holidays. 蒂娜已决定去罗马度假。

decide (that)

5. It was decided that four hospitals should close. 已决定要关闭四家医院。

decide who/what/whether etc

6. I can’t decide whether I like him or not. 我说不清是否喜欢他。

7.People have a right to decide how to spend their own money. 民众有权决定怎么花自己的钱。

decide between sth

8. A meeting was called to decide between the three candidates. 召开了一次会议来决定在这三名候选人中选哪位。

decide for yourself (=make your own decision)自己作决定

9. You must decide for yourself. 你必须自己作决定。

decide against/in favour of (doing) sth

10.He eventually decided against telling her. 他最终还是决定不告诉她。

11. [T] to influence a situation or event so that a particular result is produced


12.It was the penalty kick that decided the match. 那个点球决定了比赛的胜负。

13. [T] to be the reason for someone making a particular choice


14. Taxes could be the deciding factor for millions of floating voters. 税收对数百万游离选民来说可能成为决定性因素。

decide sb to do sth

15. The look he gave her decided her not to ask. 他看她的神情使她决定不问了。


vt. 决定;解决;判决vi. 决定,下决心


已经决定了。比如 我已经了娶 她 I've already decided to marry her

decide 是什么意思?

语法标注解释 decide英音:[di'said]美音:[dɪ'saɪd] 以下结果由译典通提供词典解释及物动词 vt. 1.决定;决意[+wh-][+to-v][+(that)]They decided that John must stay there. 他们决定约翰必须留在那里。 She decided to live in London. 她决定住在伦敦。 2.使下决心;使决断[O2]What was it that finally decided you to give up your plan? 是什么最后使你决定放弃你的计划的? 3.解决;裁决;判决The matter has been decided. 这件事已解决。 不及物动词 vi. 1.决定[(+on/for/against)]It's difficult to decide between the two candidates. 在这两个候选人中作出选择是困难的。 As to where to go, they haven't decided yet


vt.决定; 决心; 解决; 裁决vi.决定; 下决心双语例句1. A dentist may decide to extract the tooth to prevent recurrent trouble. 牙医可能会决定拔掉那颗牙,以免反复发作。来自柯林斯例句2. He might decide that it is best to induce labour. 他也许决定最好引产。如有疑问,请扩展!






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