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java mysql高校返校新冠疫情排查系统+论文

#java mysql高校返校新冠疫情排查系统+论文| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

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java mysql高校返校新冠疫情排查系统+论文

系统说明 摘  要





关键词  COVID-19;Springboot;Shiro;数据可视化


In January of this year, the new coronavirus spread rapidly in China. The Party Central Committee quickly took preventive and control measures, and all parts of the country took rapid actions to jointly prevent and control the disease, and went all out to launch a nationwide epidemic prevention and interdiction war. After more than two months of strict prevention and defense, and the persistence and efforts of countless medical staff, China's epidemic prevention and control has achieved outstanding results. In the middle of March, the number of confirmed cases in many provinces and cities has been cleared. All walks of life have begun to return to work and gradually recover the economy. The opening date of colleges and universities is around the corner.

With the resumption of work, production and education, and the flow of people, there is still a risk of rebound in the epidemic. The staff structure of colleges and universities is complex. Teachers and students come from all over the country. In the face of the large-scale staff flow brought by the resumption of school, it brings great challenges to the prevention and control of epidemic situation during the resumption of school. Timely, accurate and comprehensive grasp of students' health status, itinerary and living conditions, keep the information unblocked, and build a school information transmission channel through information means, which can bring great convenience to the epidemic prevention and control work in Colleges and universities.

This paper introduces the design of the back to school epidemic investigation system. At the beginning of the paper, the background, significance and characteristics of the system are introduced. The main business processes of the system's functional structure and the design of the database table structure are described in detail by using the object-oriented analysis and design method. Finally, the installation and use of the system and the key technical points of the system are introduced.

This system realizes the tracking statistics of students' health and builds a bridge between school and students. Function: track and count the traffic of students back to school, judge whether they are on the same journey with the patients according to the epidemic data API provided by UFIDA, so that the school can take preventive and control measures in time; collect information about the health information (body temperature) of students, visually display the epidemic risk data in the school; timely release the epidemic risk warning in the school, and remind students to reduce the aggregation. Technically: use spring boot framework to simplify development and Maven management jar package; use Shiro technology for permission control and MD5 twice encryption and salt processing for user password to ensure security and uniqueness; use open-source front-end framework layui to realize background management interface and Eckart to visualize data.Key words  COVID-19;Springboot;Shiro;Data visualization

目     录

摘  要. I

Abstract II

绪论. 1

1.1    选题背景. 1

1.2    选题意义. 2

1.3    资料来源. 2

1.4    系统特点. 3

系统分析. 4

2.1    初步调查. 4

2.2    可行性分析. 4

2.3    详细调查. 5

系统设计. 10

3.1    系统设计目标. 10

3.2    系统功能结构图. 11

3.3    类图设计. 12

3.4    顺序图设计. 13

3.5    数据库设计. 13

3.6    编码设计. 23

系统实施. 23

4.1    开发工具选择. 23

4.2    软硬件环境设计. 24

4.3    系统测试. 25

4.4    使用注意事项. 30

系统使用与维护说明书. 31

5.1    系统安装与配置说明. 31

5.2    系统使用说明书. 32

5.3    系统维护说明书. 39

设计开发总结. 40

6.1    设计中使用的关键技术. 40

6.2    毕业设计体会. 52

参考文献. 53

谢  辞. 54


1.     绪论 1.1    选题背景














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