“超现实”成韦氏词典2016年度词汇 您所在的位置:网站首页 美国大选英语词汇 “超现实”成韦氏词典2016年度词汇


2024-06-02 10:16| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


Dictionary Merriam-Webster has named "surreal" as its word of the year. 韦氏词典将“超现实”定为2016年度词汇。

The lexicographer selected surreal - which means "unbelievable, fantastic" - after spikes in searches following terrorist attacks and the US election. “超现实”意为难以置信、不可思议。恐怖袭击和美国大选后,因“超现实”一词被人们疯狂搜索,词典编纂人士便将其选为年度词汇。

The attacks in Brussels, the Bastille Day massacre in Nice and the attempted coup in Turkey all saw an increase in how often people searched for the word. 布鲁塞尔恐怖袭击、法国国庆日尼斯袭击和土耳其未遂政变后,人们搜索“超现实”的频率越来越高。

But the single biggest spike in look-ups came the day after Donald Trump's election, said Merriam-Webster. 但韦氏词典表示,唐纳德•特朗普当选总统后的一天内,该词的搜索量达到巅峰。

"It just seems like one of those years," said Peter Sokolowski, the dictionary's editor at large. 词典自由撰稿人彼得•索科罗斯基说:“人们对它的疯狂程度就跟对以往的年度词汇一样。

"Surreal" is also defined as meaning "marked by the intense irrational reality of a dream", according to Merriam Webster. 韦氏词典称,“超现实”还有“梦境中极为荒谬的现实”的意思。

It joins Oxford's "post-truth" and Dictionary.com's "xenophobia" as the top word of 2016. “超现实”一词和牛津词典的“后真相”以及Dictionary.com的“仇外心理”共同成为2016年度词汇。

There were also smaller jumps in searches for the word after the death of Prince in April and the June shootings at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando, Florida. 乐坛传奇“王子”普林斯•罗杰•尼尔森于4月去世;6月,佛罗里达州奥兰多的“脉搏”酒吧发生枪击。两起事件发生后,“超现实”的搜索量也都有较小的爆发。

"Surreal" first emerged around 1924, when a group of European poets, artists and filmmakers founded the Surrealism movement, which focused on accessing the truths of the unconscious mind by breaking down rational thought. “超现实”一词最初于1924年左右出现,欧洲诗人、艺术家和制片人发起超现实主义运动,力求打破理性思维,发现潜意识心理的真相。

Merriam-Webster, which first began tracking search trends in 1996, found a similar search spike for the word after the 9/11 attacks, according to Mr Sokolowski. 韦氏词典从1996年开始跟踪词汇搜索趋势。索科洛夫斯基称,911袭击事件发生后,“超现实”一词也出现了类似的搜索潮流。

"We noticed the same thing after the Newtown shootings, after the Boston Marathon bombings, after Robin Williams' suicide," Mr Sokolowski said. 索科洛夫斯基说:“康涅狄格小学校园枪击惨案、波士顿马拉松爆炸案和罗宾•威廉姆斯自杀后,人们对该词的搜索也出现增加。”

"Surreal has become this sort of word that people seek in moments of great shock and tragedy." “‘超现实’已经成为人们在受到震惊、遭遇悲剧后习惯搜索的词。”

Other words that made the cut for top searches in 2016 are "bigly", a term attributed to President-elect Donald Trump, and "deplorable", which Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton used to describe Trump supporters. 韦氏词典2016年度词汇还有“大量地”——与当选总统特朗普相关,“可悲的”——民主党候选人希拉里•克林顿用它来形容特朗普的支持者。







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