番茄炒蛋过程英文作文 您所在的位置:网站首页 番茄用英语怎么写 番茄炒蛋过程英文作文


2024-06-02 07:16| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

关于”番茄炒蛋过程“英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:The pcess of scrambled eggs with tomato。以下是关于番茄炒蛋过程六级英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The pcess of scrambled eggs with tomato

The pduction technolo of scrambled eggs with tomatoes: wash the tomatoes, cut them into pieces, put them on the plate, put the eggs in the bowl, tn on the gas stove, put the pot on the fireplace, when the oil in the pot is slightly hot, put the eggs into the pot with a spoon, stir after the eggs are formed, and then put the eggs into the pot, stir them nly, then fry them, put them into the plate, and then put a spoonful of vegetable oil to prepare Good tomatoes into the pot stir fry, put a spoonful of sugar and a little salt, and then put the scrambled eggs into the pot to fry together, a few seconds later, you can come out of the pot, this dish is so and sweet, delicious and nuttious, this is the first dish, very bety dish, so I like it very much.




Ingredients: three eggs, three tomatoes, one green onion, half a teaspoon of vinegar, half a spoon of sugar, and salt. The tomato is peeled. Scald the tomato in hot water, remove the skin and cut it into larger pieces.

Beat the eggs and apppate amount of salt into vinegar. Use vinegar, mate vinegar or white vinegar for half a teaspoon. Sugar also needs to be put into the oil as much as the vinegar frying pan, and the heat is 90% Put it in the scrambled egg until the whole egg is bubbling, stir it with a shovel, so that the scrambled egg is fluffy and delicious.

Put the frying pan on the medium fire, po in the apppate amount of oil, po it into the tomato slices, and stew for a while, let it exude half of the juice. Put the scrambled egg into the pot, add half a teaspoon of sugar, vinegar, salt and scallion, and tn it quickly with tomatoes Stir fry nly can be out of the pot, this is a plate of sweet and so fed tomatoes and eggs.




[dish name] scrambled egg with tomato [ingredients] tomato egg edible oil tbsp salt and monosodium glutamate (monosodium glutamate) [operation method] dice the tomato, put it into a bowl, add salt to stir the egg, stir nly, put it into the frying pan, stir the tomato with hot oil until it is cooked, po in the egg mixte, stir for sral times, and cook for a few minutes before serving.



标签: 新学期 






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