(Bilingual) 如何描述一个人的声音 How to Describe a Person's Voice 您所在的位置:网站首页 用英语描述一个人的外貌作文 (Bilingual) 如何描述一个人的声音 How to Describe a Person's Voice

(Bilingual) 如何描述一个人的声音 How to Describe a Person's Voice

2024-06-02 07:47| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

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在描述一个人的时候,我们很容易想到‘相貌’、‘爱好’、‘性格’等等,我工作过和了解的英语机构的课程都没有提到很重要的一点 - ‘人的声音’。

Jack听到周围的English learners用到最多的不外乎 an attractive voice, a charming voice, a beautiful voice, a low/deep voice ... 今天Jack在这里跟大家介绍几个比较常见的 - 这些表达在写作中更常见些,但在平时讲话的时候也可以用。

sound, noise, and voice


SOUND: 就是一般意义上的声音,比如 the sound of music, the sound of the engine, the sound of nature, the sound of future, the sound of Jack's voice �� ...

NOISE: 牛津词典的解释 a sound, especially when it is loud, unpleasant or disturbing

所以,你心情好的时候,可以说 the sound of the engine; 心情不好的时候,可以说 I can't stand that noise of the engine any more. I need to get out of there.

VOICE: 牛津词典的解释 the sound(s) produced through the mouth by a person speaking or singing 人类讲话或者唱歌时候的嗓音。猫狗牛羊等辣些动物的叫声不是VOICE�� !

在描述一个人的时候,我们很容易想到‘相貌’、‘爱好’、‘性格’等等,我工作过和了解的英语机构的课程都没有提到很重要的一点 - ‘人的声音’。

Jack听到周围的English learners用到最多的不外乎 an attractive voice, a charming voice, a beautiful voice, a low/deep voice ... 今天Jack在这里跟大家介绍几个比较常见的 - 这些表达在写作中更常见些,但在平时讲话的时候也可以用。

sound, noise, and voice


SOUND: 就是一般意义上的声音,比如 the sound of music, the sound of the engine, the sound of nature, the sound of future, the sound of Jack's voice �� ...


NOISE: 牛津词典的解释 a sound, especially when it is loud, unpleasant or disturbing

所以,你心情好的时候,可以说 the sound of the engine; 心情不好的时候,可以说 I can't stand that noise of the engine any more. I need to get out of there.

VOICE: 牛津词典的解释 the sound(s) produced through the mouth by a person speaking or singing 人类讲话或者唱歌时候的嗓音。猫狗牛羊等辣些动物的叫声不是VOICE�� !


1. adenoidal/ˌædəˈnɔɪdl/: An adenoidal voice is one that sounds as though you are talking through your nose. 可能是因为发声器官本身的问题所导致的鼻音比较重的嗓音。

(A 'nasal/ˈneɪzl/' voice sounds similar to an adenoidal voice. Jack在写作时会用adenoidal,口语中更多用nasal。)

2. breathy/ˈbreθi/: speaking or singing with a noticeable sound of breathing 有明显的呼吸声

3. croaky/ˈkroʊki/: A croaky voice is low and rough and sounds as if the speaker has a sore throat. 指‘沙哑’的声音,有些时候是因为感冒嗓子不好,有些人天生就这样的音色。神剧 Spartacus (斯巴达克斯)里的 Crixus就是这种声音 (不过他还是在表演时有点夸张,访谈节目中的他就没有那么croaky)。


这兄弟也在DC的Arrow里扮演 Slade Wilson, aka Deathstroke - 绿箭侠在炼狱岛上的恩人、患难兄弟,也是帮他练就一身本领的教练,后来二人反目,被绿箭侠射瞎一只眼睛,成了死敌。在DC超级英雄中带着双色面具的那个就是他。


4. hoarse/hɔːrs/: 和croaky差不多,‘沙哑的’

5. rough /rʌf/: rough 本义‘not smooth’,用来描述声音时,一般指不怎么悦耳的‘生硬的’嗓音 6. gruff /ɡrʌf/: deep, low and rough 低沉沙哑略显生硬的声音

7. husky/ˈhʌski/: 牛津词典用三个形容词来解释它 - deep, quiet, rough and attractive。这个词比较接近中文里的 ‘有磁性的’。小说《暮光之城》英文原著里,多次用husky来形容 Jacob Black的声音。

(hoarse, gruff, croaky这几个词词义相差不大,都是指 ‘沙哑’;而 husky指 ‘沙哑’的同时,还多一层 attractive/sexy的意思。)

8. high-pitched: 很尖很细的嗓音,一般用来形容女声。不过李玉刚也行��

(To those who didn't know, this�� is actually a guy who can sing quite well with a high-pitched woman voice. Tap on the music link and check it out - it's actually a very nice song.)


9. penetrating: A penetrating sound is very high-pitched, and usually a little unpleasant. 动词 penetrate 意思是‘穿透、刺穿’。 这养的声音又高又尖,相信大家在生活中听到过。

(近义词:a piercingvoice, a shrillvoice 基本同义)

10. honeyed: honeyed words or a honeyed voice sound very nice but you cannot trust the person who is speaking 英文注释很到位,不多废话

11. modulated/ˈmɑːdʒəleɪtɪd/: 很有抑扬顿挫的声音

modulate /ˈmɑːdʒəleɪt/: v. to change the quality of your voice in order to create a particular effect by making it louder, softer, lower, etc. (注释来自牛津词典)

12. monotonous/məˈnɑːtənəs/: a monotonous voice is flat, boring and unpleasant

前缀 mono-,‘单的,单一的’;tonous,来自于名词 tone。合起来,就是‘一个调调的’,也就是‘单调的’。(a monotonous life, a monotonous diet ...)

(�� All these 12 words are adjectives. )

13. voice of an angel 不解释,听歌��

That little girl has the voice of an angel. (可以是讲话的声音)

I went to a small concert the other day and saw this singer withthe voice of an angel. (唱歌的声音)

There are surely many other words and expressions that can be used to describe 'voices', but we will have to stop with these for now.

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