对美食的赞美英语句子(46)个 您所在的位置:网站首页 烹饪食物英语短语怎么说 对美食的赞美英语句子(46)个


2024-01-17 04:41| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

关于”对美食的赞美句子“的英语句子46个,句子主体:Compliments on delicious food。以下是关于对美食的赞美句子的六年级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Compliments on delicious food

1、Before you complain about the teste of your food. 在抱怨食物不够美味前。

2、Hallelujah! Praise God in His sanctuary; Praise Him in the firmament of His power. 阿利路亚!你们要在神的圣所赞美祂,在祂显能力的穹苍赞美祂。

3、Gourmands who swore by New York strip are now singing the praises of the more quotidian hanger steak. 那些被纽约区咀咒的美食家正在高度赞扬越来越美味的刀切牛排。

4、But, alas, few affordable restaurants these days rarely, if ever, offer anything that comes close to earning the much-desired "gourmet" accolade. 但是,唉,现在很少有负担得起的餐馆,假如有,提供容易赢得渴望想得到「美食家」盛重赞美。

5、By reheating "Stem Cooker" meat becomes more tender and tasty while soup and other dishes become more delicious. 用“原味锅”再次加热,可使食物肉质保持香纯美味、好汤好菜更加美味可口。

6、Out of Asher his bread shall be fat, and he shall yield royal dainties. 他的食物必定肥美,他有美食可以供奉君王。

7、The food is excellent and the conversation scintillates . 食物美味可口, 谈话妙趣横生。

8、And the food is going to be great. It's on a Saay. 食物会特别美味。派对安排在周六。

9、The pleasant odour of the savoury and greasy mess blended with the smell of smoke. 沾了油荤的美味食物的香味混合着烟味。

10、Let us praise His name! 让我们赞美他的名!

11、We strongly the essence of Chinese cuisine will be the latest fusion cuisine concepts to create the ultimate taste feast for beauty and delicious harmony. 我们极力将中华美食的精髓融合最新的美食理念,打造极致味觉盛宴,让美感和美味和谐共融。

12、When it comes to men, not all compliments are received equally. Learn which ones will knock his off. 对于男人,并非所有的赞美都同样有效,你应该知道哪些赞美会让他飘然欲仙。

13、Praise ye him, sun and moon: praise him, all ye stars of light. 日头月亮,你们要赞美他。放光的星宿,你们都要赞美他。

14、Upon his arrival in Beijing, he tried many exquisite dishes, Beijing roast duck, lamb kebabs, roast eggplant etc, which he named to be the tastiest foods on earth. 刚到北京,他品尝了中国美食—北京烤鸭、羊肉串以及烧茄子等,他称赞为“人间美味”。

15、The exceptional dining experience begins with savory appetizers including fresh seafood plate, continued with four tantalizing beef cuisines to tantalise your taste buds. 这场丰盛的牛肉美食之旅由滋味前菜开始, 包括清新鲜美的滋味海鲜拼盘; 接下来, 四款精选牛肉美食将轮番献上, 让食客大快朵颐。

16、Gourmet Street, a paradise of dainty snacks. 美食街——美味小吃的天堂。

17、Delicious chicken with rice and rawhide. Chewing on it may clean your dogs' teeth. 为你的爱犬提供美味的零食。美味的鸡肉加米饭和牛皮。

18、Praise him for his surpassing greatness. 按著他极美的大德赞美他。

19、赞美美景等 what a breathtaking scene /picture!

20、3 delicacies that beguile even the most discerning gourmet; 即使是最识货的美食家也会着迷的美味佳肴;

21、At Le Meridien She Shan, even the most fastidious food critic would be impressed by the delicious dishes. 在艾美酒店,令人震撼的美食体验即便是最苛刻的美食家,也会赞不绝口。

22、Another really yummy Romanian treat…it's a hollow dough with sugar &cinnamon coating. It's so good when freshly baked! 另一美味罗国小食, 外裹砂糖和肉桂粉的中空面包, 刚出炉热呼呼超赞!

23、Drink in the deliciousness of good food and good thoughts. 酒后,在美味的好食物和良好的想法。

24、Bounty of Food: 'Pears and onions, raspberries and cabbage, artichokes and gs. . . all lovingly arranged against a pitch-black cover. Behold, the days before food stylists!' 赞美,“梨,洋葱,覆盆子,卷心菜,蓟,葡萄……”这些食物全部堆砌在黑色的封面上,乍一看去,食品造型师的日子要来临了。

25、I want to learn how to cook nice food. 我想学如何烧出美味的食物。


26、What is praise? 赞美是什么?

27、Food cooked with "Stem Cooker", does not become tough, burnt, turbid and they taste more delicious. “原味锅”烹调食物,食物不老化、不焦皮、不浊汤,更加美味好吃。

28、赞美美景等 What a breathtaking scene /picture!

29、So it is well to close every prayer with praise to God for the answer that He has already granted; He who never forsakes His loving-kindness and His truth. 所以祷告之后,最好用赞美来作结束——赞美神已经听了我们的祷告,赞美神不断的以慈爱诚实待我们。

30、Praise him for his mighty acts: praise him according to his excellent greatness. 要因他大能的作为赞美他,按着他极美的大德赞美他。

31、It's an approach Ms. Tan endorses. 谭恩美对这一方式表示赞同。

32、Unit 12 Compliments 1. You have really good taste. 第十二单元赞美1。你的品味真不错。

33、They can have some delicious food there. 他们能吃到美味的食品。

34、Things like good food, and perfume. 像,食物的美味,还有香水味。

35、During the dinner conversation, it's customary to compliment the hostess on the wonderful meal. 用餐时,习惯上人们会称赞女主人烹调的美食。

36、With an ability to cater to gourmands of all budgets with gorgeous local cuisine and produce, Lyon has much to boast about. 里昂的厨师们能够用他们精湛的厨艺和当地的食材烹饪出让不同消费群体的美食家们都赞不绝口的食物。

37、It's so delicacies that beguile even the most discerning gourmet . 这是即使最识货的美食家也会着迷的美味佳肴。

38、Amercians hold very different attitudes towards taste and nutrition of food. 在对待食物的味道和营养上中美两国有很大的差异。

39、The on-site café and gift shop offer delicate food, souvenirs, and breathtaking views. 那的餐厅和礼品店为游客提供美味的食物、纪念品,还有动人的美景。

40、Praise him upon the loud cymbals: praise him upon the high sounding cymbals. 用大响的钹赞美他,用高声的钹赞美他。

41、If you give a good compliment the recipient will think you're smarter: A big payoff in college, but a bigger payoff in the work world. 第十一,学会赞美别人。最好的赞美该是言之有物的。可以把你的教授当做练习对象。如果你…

42、You have to commend their honesty: A full 95 percent of Filipinos saythey enjoy good food, and 82 percent admit to simply not having thewillpower to resist it. 你必须赞扬他们的诚实:95%的菲律宾人表示他们喜爱美食,82%的人承认只是没有抗拒美食的意志力。

43、Praise him with the sound of the trumpet: praise him with the psaltery and harp. 要用角声赞美他,鼓瑟弹琴赞美他。

44、A Doxology is a hymn or formula of praise to God. 阿三一颂是赞美或公式的赞美上帝。

45、Huadu District Food Festival held gourmet carnival, Huadu gourmet cooking contest, and Huadu Food Day Tour activities, gourmet display, beer culture. 花都区美食节举办美食嘉年华、花都美食烹饪大赛、花都美食一日游等活动,有美食展示,啤酒文化等。

46、Megabite offers fast food service, but at the same time special efforts are made in cuisine methods to ensure that the dishes are fresh and delicious. 在食物制作工艺方面,“大食代”不局限于快餐形式,精益求精,力求所有的美食皆能原味和美味。

47、Praise him with the sounding of the trumpet, praise him with the harp and lyre 要用角声赞美他,鼓瑟弹琴赞美他。

48、I said almost praise. 我说是近乎赞美。

49、We diminish with faint praise; 我们淡于赞美。

50、My compliments on this delicious Easter feast! You have outdone yourself this time, Janet. 我得赞美这次美味的复活节盛宴!珍妮特,你这次是超常发挥。


51、The best compliments are specific. 最好的赞美该是言之有物的。

52、Radiate health and celebrate your body. 发散健康的光芒,赞美你美丽的身体。

53、I want to learn nice food. 我想学如何烧出美味的食物。

54、At the majority of events at the Food Network South Beach Wine & Food Festival, celebrity chefs whip up gourmet burgers, lobster rolls and even dim sum for their fans. 美食网报告了南海滩美酒美食节的一场名厨为他们的粉丝做美味的汉堡包,龙虾卷和点心的活动。

55、Salt and pepper add flavor to food. 盐巴和胡椒为食物增添美味。

56、Oh, beautiful-haired Amathea, many have praised you before you found me to praise you, and many will praise you, some in your own tongue, when I am no longer held in the bonds of your presence. 啊,美丽的阿玛西亚,你发现我赞美你之前已有许多人赞美过你了,当我不再隶属于你时,将要赞美你的还会多得很,有的会用你的语言赞美你。

57、And what is 't but mine own when I praise thee? 如果赞美你等于赞美自己,又有何益?

58、   eat a lot of delicious food 吃许多美味的食物 Unit

59、Did he always say thanks for a tasty meal? 他会为一顿美食而赞口不绝吗?

60、Spend less time cooking and more time enjoying these tasty dishes. 花更少的时间,煮出更美味的食物,轻松享用美味佳肴。

61、Compliment her often. 经常赞美她。

62、The fair aims to promote Peruvian cuisine by showcasing Peruvian food andproducts from all over the country. 此次美食节旨在通过展示秘鲁各地的食物来推广秘鲁美食。

63、Then there were plenty of mouth-watering, delicious food on the table. 桌子上摆满了令人垂涎的,美味的食物。







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