同济大学团队:三代测序技术助力研究人肠道菌群 您所在的位置:网站首页 测序的read 同济大学团队:三代测序技术助力研究人肠道菌群


2023-03-13 22:16| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

图片 Cell Death and Disease [IF:9.685]

Recovery of human gut microbiota genomes with third-generation sequencing



2021-06-02, Article

Abstract & Authors:展开

Abstract:收起Human gut microbiota modulates normal physiological functions, such as maintenance of barrier homeostasis and modulation of metabolism, as well as various chronic diseases including type 2 diabetes and gastrointestinal cancer. Despite decades of research, the composition of the gut microbiota remains poorly understood. Here, we established an effective extraction method to obtain high quality gut microbiota genomes, and analyzed them with third-generation sequencing technology. We acquired a large quantity of data from each sample and assembled large numbers of reliable contigs. With this approach, we constructed tens of completed bacterial genomes in which there were several new bacteria species. We also identified a new conditional pathogen, Enterococcus tongjius, which is a member of Enterococci. This work provided a novel and reliable approach to recover gut microbiota genomes, facilitating the discovery of new bacteria species and furthering our understanding of the microbiome that underlies human health and diseases.

First Authors:Yanfei Li

Correspondence Authors:Jing Hu,Junwei Shen

All Authors:Yanfei Li,Yueling Jin,Jianming Zhang,Haoying Pan,Lan Wu,Dingsheng Liu,Jinlong Liu,Jing Hu,Junwei Shen






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