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2023-08-01 07:48| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

此件藏品然历久保存不易,现知仅此寥寥数例。到一枚“湖南省造光绪元宝当十铜元”,纹饰明晰,品相完美,包浆自然圆润,是可遇不成求的钱币精品。钱币正面珠圈内直读“光绪元宝”字样,币心为满文,珠圈外上环“湖南省造”,左右镌刻币值“当十”,下环铸有“铜元”二字,币面洁净,钱文明晰,字体娟秀挺拔,笔画圆润工整,极具美感;钱币背面内圈镌蟠龙图,神龙形象传神,龙纹明晰流畅,龙鳞细腻漂亮,线条棱角分明,龙眼炯炯有神,异常精细,彰显出皇家严肃尊贵的气概。珠圈外上环英文“HU-NAN”(湖南省造),下环英文币值“TEN CASH”(十文)。






Daqing copper coins when the Ministry of Finance ten

In recent years, "Daqing Copper Coin Household Department when making money ten" has once become a favorite in the collectors' circle, the media is buzzing with speculation, often millions of sky-high prices. Daqing copper coins also have a certain collection value. Many collectors love Daqing copper coins fondly, and collecting a variety of copper coins has become their goal.

This coin is recently collected a large copper coin account ten articles, the front of the coin bead circle directly read "large copper coin" four words, in the middle of the four words convex a jiangning referred to as "Ning" word, bead ring outside Manchu, about the "Ministry of household" two words, indicating the issue department of the coin; Under the ring currency value "when the money ten text" words. On the back of the coin is the dragon pattern in the center. The dragon is powerful and powerful, and the noble atmosphere of the royal family is at a glance. It shows the international politics at that time.

Daqing copper coin Ning word version is the part of ancient coins that is highly valued by collectors. It has always been sought after by many collectors. Different versions of Daqing copper coins have a unique flavor, which is worthy of deep taste by collectors. The Qing Dynasty copper dollar witnessed the pre-history process of China's evolution from a feudal society to a semi-feudal and semi-colonial society. It is an important part of the history of money and money and numismatics in modern China. It has a very high preservation value and pre-history.

Hubei province made Guangxu Yuanbao when ten copper coins

The mechanism of copper round casting in the Qing Dynasty began in 1898 and ended in 1908. The casting was in circulation for more than 10 years. In its heyday, 19 provinces and 20 bureaus in China started to cast copper round. The copper coins in the Qing Dynasty are mainly divided into two categories: Daqing Copper Coin and Guangxu Yuanbao. History contains "Guangxu Yuanbao" at that time a total of 19 provincial bureaus cast. Guangxu 31 years (1905), the Qing government in order to recast the Yuanfa, ordered to stop casting "Guangxu Yuanbao", to cast "Daqing Copper Coin", and issued by the central unified model, many provincial bureau respectively cast a variety of dragon pattern when the ten copper circle, especially in "Guangxu Yuanbao" when the ten copper circle, this phenomenon is quite prominent. Such as Hubei made "Guangxu Yuanbao" when ten copper circle, that is, there are large dragon, small dragon, large dragon, dragon, sitting dragon, bead circle water dragon, bead circle sitting dragon and other kinds of dragon back pattern.

Ten copper coins are the most exquisite craftsmanship, the most perfect sculptor and the most intense embossing feeling among all the Longyang patterns in China. The mirror is smooth and smooth, the pattern is very clear, the word mouth, the grain and the edge teeth are deep and precipitous, and it is completely the model coin style cast abroad. The coating pulp on the surface of the coin is mellow and highly ornamental. Regular script calligraphy is very exquisite, the atmosphere, the structure of the frame balance stretch, second to no one in the dragon. The anti-counterfeiting design of the coin is unprecedented, in terms of the level of technology at that time, the most important two points: one is that almost every stroke of the coin in the painting and decoration are added so far difficult to imitate the dots of the code, amazing. Second, there are two clear eyes inside the back of the panlong longan, pointing to the dragon ball, is simply the most excellent panlong relief works. So far, a lot of coinage, counterfeit coinage writing and casting without its equal!

This copper coin made in Hubei Province Guangxu Yuanbao all the literal and pattern surface are rounded and raised according to the potential, scattered at random, there is a sense of three-dimensional sculpture. The structure of the text is magnificent, as if the ink is full, so that the literati marveled! Xiangyun before and after the dragon is different, the shape of the prancing, so that the viewer feels the boundless power of the dragon! Manchu calligraphy has a solid foundation, free brushwork, vigorous and powerful, deeply guided by the essence of Chinese running calligraphy, and has a royal style.

Hunan province made Guangxu Yuanbao when ten

However, this collection is not easy to preserve over time, now known only a few cases. To a "Hunan Province made Guangxu Yuanbao when ten copper yuan", clear decoration, perfect appearance, natural pulp round, can not meet the coin quality. The front of the coin bead ring straight read "Guangxu Yuanbao" words, the heart of the coin is Manchu, bead ring outside the "Hunan Province made", about the engraved value of the "ten", under the ring cast "copper yuan" two words, the currency surface is clean, the money civilization clear, the font is beautiful and straight, the strokes are mellow and neat, very beautiful; The inner ring on the back of the coin is engraved with the dragon figure. The dragon image is vivid, the dragon pattern is clear and smooth, the dragon scales are delicate and beautiful, the lines are sharp and angular, and the longan is bright and vivid. It is extremely fine, showing the royal seriousness and dignity. The upper ring of the bead ring is English "Hu-Nan" (made in Hunan Province), and the lower ring is English "Ten Cash" (TEN characters).

In recent years, the cultural industry has developed rapidly, and the collection market is also extremely hot. With the coming of the collection peak, the collection categories such as coins and stamps have become more and more popular, attracting a large number of collectors. Coin as a currency with circulation function in the history of our country, its layout is rich, and represents a certain period of history and culture, so it is very popular.

Henan Province made Guangxu Yuanbao when ten copper yuan

Coin collection has now become a new collection hotspot, the market development is in full swing, many ancient coins outstanding performance. This Henan Province made Guangxu Yuanbao ten wen copper coin, coin bead ring cast "Guangxu Yuanbao" four words, on the cast "made in Henan Province", under the cast "when making money ten wen", indicating its money value. On the back there is a four-claw flying dragon, whose pattern is round and raised, strewn at random, and has a sense of three-dimensional sculpture. The copper coin is fine, the color is also good, the quality is exquisite, the money is clear, and it is a treasure in the coin.

Guangxu wing is one of the first printing of money in circulation, the introduction of foreign technology in our country as the end of the feudal dynasties, those once in the hands of ordinary people to buy items coin also gradually withdraw from the historical stage, and in the necessary time, due to factors such as the outbreak of war, used to have big circulation of guangxu wing gradually become few and far between, and thus become a big coin collection on the market today, products of good quality guangxu wing its market value is higher. Coin is one of the physical representatives in the history of currency development, but also the witness of history. It develops with the development of The Times, which not only reflects the accumulation of wisdom of the Chinese people, but also reflects the humanistic history and economic culture of each era. At the same time, the coin in the appreciation field has repeatedly appreciated the high price, with the continuous improvement of people's living standards, more and more people participate in the coin investment market, the coin market is very hot. Guangxu ingot is a highly sought after gem since modern times.返回搜狐,查看更多






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