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2023-12-04 22:04| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

      谢国民先生(英文Mr.Dhanin Chearavanont),泰籍华人,祖籍广东汕头澄海县,1939年5月1日出生于泰国曼谷。       1950年他11岁的时候在父亲谢易初先生的安排下从泰国回到中国,先后在汕头、广州、香港读书,1957年18岁时从香港高中毕业后返回泰国。谢国民先生通晓泰文和中文,曾先后荣获上海同济大学、北京农业大学(现中国农业大学)、上海复旦大学授予的荣誉教授、荣誉博士、名誉博士等学位;2015年3月11日获新西兰梅西大学荣誉理学博士学位;是上海复旦大学校董会董事、北京大学校董会名誉董事和北京大学教育基金会名誉理事,并荣获北京大学杰出教育贡献奖。       谢国民先生1964年加入正大集团,1969年任正大集团总裁,1989年任正大集团董事长,2017年起至今任正大集团资深董事长。       1979年,当中国大陆开启改革开放的第一时间,谢国民先生就积极响应中国党和政府的号召,联合美国康地集团各出资50%,共计3000万美元,在深圳投资成立了正大康地(深圳)有限公司,获得《中华人民共和国台港澳侨投资企业0001号批准证书》,是中国大陆改革开放后第一家外商投资企业。       四十多年来,谢国民先生领导正大集团积极从海外引进先进的科学技术和设备装备,以及资金、管理、人才等,致力于中国的经济建设和社会发展,正大集团是中国改革开放的积极参与者、建设者、贡献者、见证者,也是受益者。目前正大集团在中国区设立企业600多家,员工近10万人,2022年全年营业额2000亿元人民币。       谢国民先生还担任泰中友好协会副会长,他积极促进中泰经济合作和贸易发展,为中泰两国的友谊和中泰两国人民的友好交往做出了突出贡献。       谢国民先生是著名的华商领袖。       2008年他当选为中国侨商投资企业协会首届会长,并于2011年、2014年、2017年连任四届,至2019年中国侨商投资企业协会整体并入中国侨商联合会,谢国民先生当选中国侨商联合会第五届会长。他还曾担任香港回归祖国筹备委员会委员。       正大集团有着爱国爱乡的光荣传统。 据不完全统计,在谢国民先生的领导下,四十多年来,正大集团在中国的公益慈善和捐助捐赠总额超18.8亿元人民币,各类产业扶贫项目总投资额超100亿元人民币。       在农牧食品事业方面,谢国民先生为正大集团制定的企业愿景和使命是“做世界的厨房,人类能源的供应者”,着力打造涵盖了种子、种植、饲料、养殖、屠宰、深加工、物流配送、商业零售、餐饮,从农场到餐桌、全程可追溯的全产业链,为广大消费者提供品质第一、安全健康、物美价廉的美味食品。       在谢国民先生的卓越领导下,正大集团在中国的新农村建设中,将农牧食品业的发展和帮助贫困乡村脱贫致富相结合,把一开始由正大集团引入中国的“公司+农户”模式,创新发展为“政府+企业+银行+农业合作组织”的“四位一体”模式,被美国哈佛商学院列为哈佛教学案例。       1990年4月7日,邓小平先生在人民大会堂亲切接见谢国民先生,对正大集团坚定支持和积极参与中国改革开放的伟大事业,以及来中国投资发展取得的成绩给予充分肯定。邓小平先生接见时的谈话以《振兴中华民族》为标题收录在《邓小平文选》第三卷,载入史册。       鉴于谢国民先生对投资所在国家的经济建设和社会民生发展所作的杰出贡献,他多次荣获多个国家的政府和机构的有关任职和荣誉称号,列举如下:       荣获泰皇陛下御赐尊拉宗告勋章、王冠勋章、特级白象勋章。       荣任泰国政府与泰国国会农业委员会顾问。       荣获俄罗斯慈善基金授予的“圣尼古拉斯奖”。       1988年荣任泰国外交部部长经济顾问。       1990年荣任泰国国务院院长顾问。       1991年荣任泰国国家立法议会议员。       1992年荣任泰国上议院议员。       2002年荣任上海市市长国际企业家咨询会议成员。       2003年荣任泰国财政部部长顾问。       2003年9月荣获美国《财富》杂志“全球最具影响力的50位商界领袖”之一。       2004年荣任泰国投资促进委员会顾问,泰国国际艺术及工艺推广中心特别顾问。       2004年11月荣获美国《财富》杂志“亚洲最具影响力的25位商业领袖”之一。       2008年1月荣任中国侨商投资企业协会首任会长,并连任四届。       2008年12月荣获人民日报社“中国改革开放30年影响中国经济30人”。       2008年12月荣获中华人民共和国民政部授予的“中华慈善奖”。       2009年6月荣获中华人民共和国农业部“推动饲料工业发展十大功勋人物”荣誉称号。       2010年9月荣获《福布斯》泰国首富榜单榜首,并蝉联多年。       2011年12月荣获亚洲《福布斯》杂志“年度亚洲商业人物”。       2012年荣任哈佛大学全球顾问委员会委员。       2012年3月荣获亚洲新闻频道 “2012年杰出人物终身成就大奖”。       2012年11月荣获CNBC亚太频道和泰国《彭博商业周刊》“终身成就奖”。       2013年荣任缅甸联邦共和国经济发展委员会顾问。       2014年4月荣获北京市华侨华人“京华奖”。       2015年9月荣获上海市“荣誉市民”称号。       2017年9月荣登《福布斯》“百位最伟大在世商业思想家”榜单。       2017年荣任泰国皇家资产管理局顾问。       2018年1月荣获中国-东盟商务理事会“增进中国与东盟经贸合作突出贡献人物奖”。       2018年荣任亚洲和平与和解理事会(APRC)成员。       2019年1月作为海外华商的杰出代表,荣获中国“改革开放特别致敬人物”奖。       2019年5月荣任中华海外联谊会名誉副会长。       2019年11月荣任中国侨商联合会第五届会长。       谢国民先生高瞻远瞩地创立并始终坚守以“三利原则”为核心的正大集团“六条价值观”:利国利民利企业,快速优质,化繁为简,接受变革,不断创新,正直诚信。       这六条价值观的内涵起源于正大集团创始人谢易初先生,继承并创立于正大集团第二代领导人谢国民先生,是正大集团企业文化传承中本身固有、发自内心、说到做到的文化精髓。       谢国民先生把“利国利民利企业”的三利原则,作为正大集团的企业宗旨,信念坚定、始终如一地把国家的利益、人民的利益放在企业利益的前面,始终致力于促进投资所在国家的经济建设、社会发展和民生进步。他在做决策和处理工作时、在讲话和谈话中,常常阐述、反复强调这“六条价值观”。他自己身体力行,也要求集团职员遵守和践行,体现了作为一名世界级商业领袖的社会责任和使命担当。他这种博大智慧和高尚情操,令人钦佩。       谢国民先生特别喜爱和接受新鲜事物,爱探索、爱创新。他有一次回忆他父亲谢易初先生的时候说:“我很自豪自己继承了父亲对新鲜事物充满好奇的性格和科学观察事物的能力。”       谢国民先生从不骄傲自满,长于居安思危,他常常说,对于取得的任何成绩他只满意一天,第二天就要再继续努力了。他说,危机就是危险和机会并存,有危险就有机会,有机会就有危险,所以要在好的时候想到不好的时候怎么办,要在不好的时候想到好的时候怎么办。       进入新时代,谢国民先生多次在重大国际会议上表示,他始终看好中国的发展前景,对中国党和政府充满信心,对中国的发展前途充满信心,正大集团将继续加大在中国的投资发展,为新时代的中国经济建设和社会发展、为实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦作出更多更大更新的贡献!



Born in Bangkok, Thailand on May 1, 1939, Mr. Dhanin Chearavanont is a Thai-Chinese whose ancestral origin can be traced back to Chenghai County of Shantou City, Guangdong Province. 


When he was 11, Mr. Dhanin Chearavanont returned from Thailand to China in 1950 under the arrangement of his father. After his arrival, he studied in Shantou, Guangzhou and Hong Kong. By 1957, Mr. Dhanin Chearavanont graduated from high school in Hong Kong, and a young man of 18 returned to Thailand. Fluent in both Thai and Chinese, Mr. Dhanin Chearavanont was awarded honorary professorship and doctorate degrees in many prestigious Chinese Universities, including Shanghai Tongji University, China Agricultural University (formerly Beijing Agricultural University), Shanghai Fudan University and as such. On March 11th 2015, he received the honorary doctorate degree from New Zealand Massey University. Mr. Dhanin Chearavanont is actively committed to China’s educational sector, and is one of the board of directors of Shanghai Fudan University, an honorary director of Peking University, and an honorary member of PKU education fund committee. In recognition of his contributions, PKU conferred Mr. Dhanin Chearavanont with its educational contribution award.


Mr. Dhanin Chearvanont joined the Charoen Pokphand Group Limited (CP Group) in 1963, and five years later in 1969, had proven his capability by becoming its CEO. In 1989 he was further promoted as the Chairman of CP Group, and from 2017 to date, Mr. Dhanin Chearavanont continues to offer his wisdom as Senior Chairman.


A business man of acumen, Mr. Dhanin Chearavanont actively responded to the calling of the Chinese Government just as the mainland began its reform and opening up in 1979. By each investing half of 30 million USD, CP Group and US Continental Grain Company co-founded the first foreign invested Company in Mainland China since the reform and opening up, Chia Tai Conti Group in Shenzhen, and obtained the historical Approval Certificate No.0001 of Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macao and Overseas Chinese Investment Enterprise of the PRC.


Under the leadership of Mr. Dhanin Chearavanont, CP Group has been actively acquiring advanced technologies and equipment from overseas, attracting foreign capital and drawing management and talents in the past four decades. Determined to lend a hand in China’s economic prosperity through its own development, CP Group spread its roots in various sectors, such as agriculture, husbandry and food, commercial retailing, industry, real estate, finance and pharmaceuticals. Its achievements contributed in historical significance to China’s reform and opening up. CP Group is the participant, builder, contributor, witness and benefactor of China’s reform and opening up. Currently, it has accumulated more than 120 billion RMB of investment in China, with annual sales reaching nearly 150 billion RMB. To date, it has amassed 600 companies, and employs 90 thousand people.


As the Vice President of the Thai-Chinese Friendly Association, Mr. Dhanin  Chearavanont lives up to his role by championing closer bilateral economic and trade ties, and contributing to the friendship between the two nations and their peoples.


Mr. Dhanin Chearavanont is also prominent among the circle of Chinese business leaders. In 2008, he was elected as the first President of China Overseas Chinese Entrepreneur Association (COCEA), and was reelected respectively in 2011, 2014 and 2017. When COCEA was merged into China Federation of Overseas Chinese (CFOCE) in 2019, Mr.Dhanin Chearavanont was again elected as its fifth president. Mr. Dhanin Chearavanont gives equal attention to both aspects to his identity as a Chinese businessman, and he was on board the Preparatory Committee for Hong Kong’s Return to the Motherland.


Loving one’s country and homeland has always been the proud tradition of CP Group. According to incomplete statistics, under the leadership of Mr. Dhanin Chearavanont in the last four decades, CP Group has given back a total of 1.7 billion RMB in charities and donations in some four decades, the total investment of poverty alleviation projects in various industries exceeds 9.5 billion RMB.


Mr. Dhanin Chearavanont believes that CP Group’s vision, as is its mission in the agro-husbandry and food industries is “kitchen of the world, Energy for Human Beings”. Under this guideline, CP Group is devoted to creating an all industry chain that spans from seeds, planting, livestock feed, rearing and slaughter, to deep processing, logistics, commercial retailing, and catering. From CP Group, customers can expect the freshness delivered straight from the farm to their dinner tables. Such is our ambition to provide consumers with high quality, safe, healthy and affordable food.


Under the excellent leadership of Mr. Dhanin Chearavanont, CP Group contributed to China’s new rural development by integrating the development of its agro-husbandry and food industry with the poverty alleviation of Chinese rural areas. Ever seeking to improve, CP Group transformed the “company + farmer” mode which itself first introduced to China into the “four in one” model of “government + enterprise + bank + agricultural cooperation organization”, which has been listed as a case study by the Harvard Business School in the United States.


On April 7th, 1990, Mr. Deng Xiaoping cordially received Mr. Dhanin Chearavanont in the Great Hall of the People and fully affirmed the firm support and active participation of CP Group in the great cause of China’s reform and opening up, as well as its achievements of investment in China. Mr. Deng Xiaoping’s interview was recorded in the third volume of Selected Works of Deng Xiaoping under the title of Rejuvenating the Chinese Nation.


In view of his outstanding contribution to the economic construction and people’s well-being of the invested countries, relevant posts and honors were conferred to Mr. Dhanin Chearavanont by the governments and institutions of many countries for many times, which are as follows:


He was awarded the order from the King of Thailand, the Most Illustrious Order of Chula Chom Klao, the Most Noble Order of the Crown of Thailand, The Most Exalted Order of the White Elephant.;


He has successively served as consultant of the Agricultural Committee of the Thai government and the Thai Parliament; 


He has been awarded the Order of Saint Nicholas by the Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker Charitable Foundation.


In 1988, he served as Economic Adviser to the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Thailand.


In 1990, he served as Adviser to the President of the State Council of Thailand.


In 1991, he became the member of the National Legislative Assembly of Thailand.


In 1992, he became the member of the Upper House of Thailand.


In 2003, he served as Adviser to the Minister of finance of Thailand.


In 2003, he became the member of Shanghai’s Mayor International Entrepreneur Consultation Conference.


In September 2003, he was named one of the “50 most influential business leaders in the world” by Fortune magazine.


In 2004, he served as the Consultant of Thailand Investment Promotion Committee and Special Consultant of Thailand International Arts and Crafts Promotion Center.


In November 2004, he was named one of the “25 most influential business leaders in Asia” by Fortune magazine.


In January 2008, he was honored as the Inaugural President of the China Association of Overseas Chinese Entrepreneurs and served for four consecutive terms.


In December 2008, he was awarded the title of “30 people affecting China’s economy in 30 years of China’s reform and opening up” by People’s Daily.


In December 2008, he was awarded the “China Charity Award” by the Ministry of Civil Affairs of the People’s Republic of China.


In June 2009, he was awarded the honorary title of “top ten meritorious persons promoting the development of feed industry” by the Ministry of Agriculture of the People’s Republic of China.


In September 2010, Forbes released the list of Thailand’s richest people, with Mr. Dhanin Chearavanont topping the list for four years.


In December 2011, he was selected by the “Forbes Asia” as the Asian business person of the year.


In 2012, he served as a member of the Global Advisory Committee of Harvard University.


In March 2012, he was awarded the “2012 Outstanding Person Lifetime Achievement Award” by Asia News Channel.


In November 2012, he was awarded the “Lifetime Achievement Award” by the CNBC Asia Pacific Channel and the Bloomberg Business Weekly in Thailand.


In 2013, he served as the Consultant of the Economic Development Commission of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar.


In April 2014, he was awarded the Outstanding Overseas Chinese Award by Beijing municipal government.


In September 2015, he was awarded the Honorary Citizenship of Shanghai.


In September 2017, he was selected in the list of “100 greatest business thinkers” in Forbes.


In 2017, he served as the Consultant of Royal Thai Asset Management Authority.


In January 2018, he was awarded the “Person with Outstanding Contribution Award for Enhancing China-ASEAN Economic and trade cooperation” by China-ASEAN Business Council.


In 2018, he served as the member of the Asia Peace and Reconciliation Council (APRC).


In January 2019, as the outstanding representative of overseas Chinese businessmen, he was awarded the “Special Honorary Person for the Reform and Opening-up Award” of China.


In May 2019, he was elected the Honorary Vice President of China Overseas Friendship Association.


In November 2019, he was elected the fifth President of China Federation of Overseas Chinese Businessmen.


From 2015 to 2020, the Chearavanont brothers ranked first in Thailand’s list of the wealthy.


Mr. Dhanin Chearavanont has a long-term vision to establish and always adhere to the “six values” of CP Group with the “Three-Benefits” as the core:  for the country, the people and the company, Speed and Quality, Simplification, Accept Change, Innovativeness, Integrity and Honesty.


The connotation of these six values originates from Mr. Chia Ek Chor, founder of CP Group, and is inherited and founded by Mr. Dhanin Chearavanont, the second-generation leader of CP Group. These values are the inherent and must-do essence of the corporate culture inheritance of CP Group. Mr. Dhanin Chearavanont takes the “Three-Benefits” as the tenet of CP Group, firmly believes and consistently puts the interests of the country and the people ahead of the interests of the enterprise, and is always committed to promoting the economic construction, social development and people’s well-being of the invested countries. In his decision-making, work, speech and conversation-making, he often elaborated and repeatedly stressed these “six values”. He personally practices, and requires the group staff to abide by and practice, reflecting the social responsibility and mission as a world-class business leader. He is admirable for his great wisdom and noble sentiments.


Mr. Dhanin Chearavanont loves and accepts new things, and has a zeal for exploration and innovation. He once recalled his father, Mr. Chia Ek Chor, saying: “I am very proud to inherit my father’s curiosity about new things and his ability to observe things scientifically.”


Mr. Dhanin Chearavanont has never been complacent and is always prepared for danger in times of safety. He often says that he is only satisfied with any achievements he has made for one day and will continue to work hard the next day. To him, crisis is the coexistence of danger and opportunity. When there is danger, there is opportunity, and when there is opportunity, danger lurks. Therefore, CP Group is mindful of adversity when the going is good, and when things plunge, it will draw wisdom from its success.






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