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2024-06-03 14:02| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

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Strain Gauge Lineup of almost 8,000 gauges of the industry highest level to meet all requirements. Transducers High precision and stable quality is realized in response to reliance of a user. Instruments Designed for various measurement application with strain gauges, thermocouple, DC voltage and measurement purpose of static, dynamic strain and frequency analysis. Automotive Measuring System Integrated measuring system for wheel 6-component force, wheel torque and displace on driving. Special Purpose Measurement Integrated measuring system of sensor and instruments designed for special purpose. Measurement Software Various measurement software designed specially for use with strain instruments of TML. Service Based on our numerous measurement projects and achievements in the field, we are able to provide an optimum measurement plan and onto preparation, data processing, and creation of a report.






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