我很不好英语,心情不好 英语有几种说法 您所在的位置:网站首页 怎么读learners 我很不好英语,心情不好 英语有几种说法

我很不好英语,心情不好 英语有几种说法

2023-03-09 04:10| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

本文目录索引 1,心情不好 英语有几种说法 2,“说”用英语翻译有几种说法 3,“我英语很差”用英语怎么说? 4,"我的英语不好"用英语怎么说? 5,(我的英语不好)用英语怎么说? 6,我的英语不好。英文怎么说? 7,我的英语不是很好用英语怎么说? 8,用英语说"我的英语口语不是很好"怎么说? 1,心情不好 英语有几种说法

心情不好 be in a bad skin be in bad temper be in a bad mood be in the right vein be out of sorts be under the weather be in a black mood be in ill humor feel nohow out of fix[美俚] (钟表等)不准; (身体)不舒服; 心情不好 Get up from the wrong side of the bed


自早晨起来便心情不好 get up on the wrong side of the bed 我心情不好 I am in a bad mood. 她在心情不好的时候写诙谐的歌曲。 She writes humorous songs when she is in the right vein 今天上午老师心情不好 The teacher is out of sorts this morning. 我注意到你心情不好。 I notice that you're out of sorts 他心情不好。 He's in one of his moods. 我知道你现在的心情不好。 I know it's a bad time for you 要小心,今天经理的心情不好。 Take care! The boss is in a bad mood today. 那场争论使她的心情不好。 The arguement darkened her mood. 这些傻女人的嘲弄使我心情不好。 The Banter of these silly women has put me in a Black mood 她心情不好 She's under the weather. 我父亲心情不好,不要激怒他 "My father isn't in a good mood, don't get his shirt off." 我心情不好是因为昨天晚上睡得太少。 I am in a Bad mood because I didn't get very much sleep last night. 王小姐自早晨起来就心情不好,因此不想上班 Miss Wang got up on the wrong side of the bed and wouldn't go to work.

心情不好 英语有几种说法


1、说[shuō] say; speak; talk; theory (1)用话表达 a. (说) speak; talk; say: 说得多做得少 talk much but do little; b.(解释) explain: 他说了又说, 我还是不懂。He explained and explained, but I still couldn't understand. c.(责备; 批评) scold; criticize: 孩子做错了事, 母亲说了他一顿。The mother gave her child a scolding for his wrongdoing. (2)言论; 主张 theory; teachings; doctrine: 著书立说 write books to expound a theory; 2、说[shuì] try to persuade (说服别人听从自己的意见) try to persuade: 游说 go around urging rulers to adopt one's political views; peddle an idea; drum up support for a scheme or plan


我英语很差 1、释义 My English is very poor.;My English is poor;My English Very Poor 2、短语 我的英语很差 My English is poor ; My English is so poor ; My English is very poor 我英语很差的 My poor English ; My English very bad ; My English is poor 就是说我英语很差 That is my poor English 因此我的英语很差 So my English is poor 因为我说英语很差 Because I speak English poorly 但是我的英语很差 But my English is poor ; Me English is poor 我的英语很差之前 my English was poor before 我12岁英语很差 My English is poor 12-year-old 我的英语也很差 my english also very poor ; My English is very poor 3、双语例句 昏,我从来没有说过我英语很差啊。 Deaf , I have never said I was poor! English. 我英语很差,你能为我译一下吗? My English is poor, would you interpret for me? 我是一个语文教师,有机会我可以给你讲讲,但我英语很差,不知能不能给你讲清。 I am a Chinese teacher, have the opportunity, I can tell you about, but my English is very poor, not know can give you speak clearly.


英语的初学者说法如下:My English is not so good./ My English is poor. 更符合外国人交流的说法如下:I am working hard on my English . 扩展资料: poor 英[pɔ:(r)] 美[pʊr] adj. 贫穷的,贫乏的; 令人怜悯的,可怜的; 匮乏的; 低劣的;n. the poor 贫困者,穷人; 词组: 1.poor thing 可怜的人,可怜的家伙 2.poor efficiency 低效率


"我的英语不好”的英文表达为“My English is not good”. good 英[gʊd] 美[ɡʊd] adj. 好的; 优秀的; 有益的; 漂亮的,健全的; n. 好处,利益; 善良; 善行; 好人; adv. 同well; 组词 inferior good 低档商品 ; 劣质商品 ; 低档物品 ; 劣等品 good boy 好孩子 ; 外星神犬 ; 乖孩子 ; 人民服务 Good Time 美好时光 ; 好时光 ; 男士 ; 恰好 good news 好消息 ; 活动 ; 佳音 ; 好新闻 used good 二手货 例句 1、We ought to follow her good example . 她是个好榜样,我们应当仿效她。 2、Good secretaries are always in demand . 好的秘书总是很多人都需要的。 3、A miss is as good as a mile . 失之毫厘,差之千里;(五十步笑百步)。 4、The change of scene will do her some good . 换个环境对她是有好处的。 5、I gladly bear witness to his good character . 我很高兴证明他的善良。


我的英语不好的英文翻译是My English is poor 。 句子分析 My English is poor . 我英语不太好;我英语很差。 拓展资料双语例句 1. My English is poor, would you interpret for me? 我英语很差, 你能为我译一下 吗 ? 2. I'm sorry , but my English is poor. 抱歉! 我的英语很差! 3. My English is poor , wait a moment, please. 我的英语水平一般, 请等一下. 4. At that time my English is poor, I almost lost confidence in learning English. 那时我的英语很差, 我几乎对学习英语失去信心. 5. My English is poor, if there is wrong spelling, search the dictionary, like me. 我的英语很烂, 如果有拼写不对的地方, 就和我一样查字典吧.


My English is not very good. I am working hard on my English . My English is poor. My English is not perfect! I'm not accomplished in English. 以上都可以表示“我的英语不是很好”。 补充: My English is not very good. If you don't understand me, I can get help from my co-workers. (我的英语不太好,如果您不明白,我可以请我的同事帮忙。) My English is not very good, so I'm a little afraid to speak up.(我的英语不是很好,所以我有点不敢大声说话。) Although I have been living abroad since I was a child, my English has been poor.(虽然我从小生活在国外,但是我英语一直都不好。) I am not confident in my English class because my English is not very good.(我很不自信在的英语课上,因为我的英语不是很好。) My mother is an English teacher, but my English is not good.(我的妈妈是英语老师,但是我的英语并不好。) 相关词组: Good词组: be good to对...很友好。例子Why can't she be good to her sister? (为什么她不能对她姐姐好点?) be good at擅长于……,后接动词ing 。例子 This card might be good at some point. (这张牌在某些情况下可能很好。) be good for有益于;对…有好处。例子Anyway, the news seems to be good for you. (无论如何,这个消息对你来说是个好事。) be good with善于应付...的,对...有办法。例子He must be good with kids. (他必须跟孩子相处得好。)


"我的英语口语不是很好"的英文:My spoken English is not very good. 相似短语: 1、英语口语等级考试 GESE ; Graded Examinations in Spoken English ; 2、英语口语协会 Oral English Institute 3、国际英语口语教程 Spoken English for International Learners 4、每日英语口语 Spoken english-EveryDay 5、国际商务英语口语 International Business Oral English ; Spoken English of International Business 6、擅长英语口语 Good spoken English; Good at oral English 扩展资料spoken 读法 英 ['spəʊk(ə)n] 美 ['spokən] 1、adj. 口语的,口头的 2、v. 说(speak的过去分词) 短语: 1、spoken language 口语,口头语言;出声语言 2、spoken word 口头语言 3、spoken for 表明;代表……讲话;要求得到 例句: 1、You should not have spoken to him! 你不应该跟他说话! 2、It may be written in simple English or in a language spoken only by computers. 它可以用简单的英语编写,也可以用只有计算机“说”的语言编写。






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