hcp 钛弹性常数随温度变化的第一性原理研究,Computational Materials Science 您所在的位置:网站首页 弹性常数egv hcp 钛弹性常数随温度变化的第一性原理研究,Computational Materials Science

hcp 钛弹性常数随温度变化的第一性原理研究,Computational Materials Science

2024-06-02 21:18| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

First-principles study of the temperature dependence of the elastic constants of hcp titanium

Abstract For the hcp metal titanium, the elastic constants show pronounced change with temperature. In particular, the elastic constant C 12 exhibits an increase with temperature and C 13 is approximately independent of temperature. In this study we calculate the elastic constants for hcp titanium in a first principles anisotropic quasi-harmonic approach which includes calculations of the phonon spectra as a function of strain. The temperature dependence of the elastic constants is obtained in agreement with the experiment with the exception of C 13 .






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