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2024-06-02 16:54| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


中俄关系是中国外交的优先方向。冷战结束以来,双边关系历经建设性伙伴关系(1994年建立)、面向21世纪的战略协作伙伴关系(1996年建立)、全面战略协作伙伴关系(2011年建立)和全面战略协作伙伴关系新阶段(2014年建立)。2015 年,习近平主席和普京总统达成中俄关系“三个不变”的重要共识,即无论国际和地区形势怎么变,双方坚持巩固和深化中俄全面战略协作伙伴关系的方针不会变, 致力于实现两国共同发展振兴的目标不会变,携手捍卫国际公平正义和世界和平稳定的决心不会变,共同引领中俄全面战略协作伙伴关系和各领域合作取得丰硕成果。2017年7月,习近平访俄时,两国元首决定携手努力,巩固和发展平等信任、相互支持、共同繁荣、世代友好的中俄全面战略协作伙伴关系,更好惠及两国人民和各国人民。2019年6月,习近平主席与普京总统在莫斯科共同签署了《中华人民共和国和俄罗斯联邦关于发展新时代全面战略协作伙伴关系的联合声明》。声明指出,中俄关系进入新时代,迎来更大发展的新机遇。双方宣布,发展中俄新时代全面战略协作伙伴关系。

China-Russia Comprehensive Strategic Partnership of Coordination in the New Era

The relationship with Russia is a priority in China's diplomacy. Since the end of the Cold War, bilateral ties have evolved from constructive partnership (established in 1994) to strategic partnership of coordination for the 21st century (1996), to comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination (2011), and further to a new stage of comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination (2014).

Xi Jinping and Putin reached a consensus in 2015 and confirmed the "three not changes" in bilateral ties – regardless of the international and regional dynamics, the guideline of consolidating and deepening the bilateral comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination will not change; the goal of common development for respective national renewal will not change; and the resolution to safeguard international fairness and justice and world peace and stability will not change. These "three not changes" will guide the two countries to build their comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination and make progress in all fields.

When Xi Jinping visited Russia in July 2017, the two heads of state decided to consolidate and develop their comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination featuring equality, mutual trust and mutual support for shared prosperity and friendship for generations, so as to bring more benefits to their own people and other people in the world.

In June 2019, Xi Jinping and Putin signed in Moscow a Joint Statement on Comprehensive Strategic Partnership of Coordination in the New Era Between the People's Republic of China and the Russian Federation. The statement pointed out that China-Russia relationship has thus entered a new era and will meet new opportunities as well as new challenges. Both sides declared to further develop China-Russia comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination.






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