2021 医学人文英语(福建医科大学)1463137449 最新满分章节测试答案 – 网课小帮手 您所在的位置:网站首页 帮手搜索 2021 医学人文英语(福建医科大学)1463137449 最新满分章节测试答案 – 网课小帮手

2021 医学人文英语(福建医科大学)1463137449 最新满分章节测试答案 – 网课小帮手

2024-05-17 18:52| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

文章目录[点我隐藏目录] Physical Health 生理健康 QUIZ for Chapter 3 Medical Technology 医疗技术 QUIZ for Chapter 5 Mental Health 心理健康 QUIZ for Chapter 2 Medical Morality 医疗道德 QUIZ for Chapter4

本答案对应课程为:点我自动跳转查看 本课程起止时间为:2021-03-01到2021-06-30 本篇答案更新状态:已完结

Physical Health 生理健康 QUIZ for Chapter 3

1、 问题:Leukemia is popularly known_. 选项: A:blood cancer B:white plague C:white death D:black death 答案: 【blood cancer】

2、 问题:People with acute leukemia may not have______. 选项: A:shivering B:night sweats  C: purplish patches D:nosebleed 答案: 【shivering】

3、 问题:Risk factors for leukemia do not include ______ 选项: A:bleeding B:radiation   C:chemical  D:smoking 答案: 【bleeding】

4、 问题:__was responsible for the abnormal blood of leukemia patients. 选项: A:the bone marrow  B:health   C:vessel D:heart disease 答案: 【the bone marrow 】

5、 问题:The development of leukemia experienced the following period except:__. 选项: A:penicillin period B:radiation therapy period C:chemotherapy period D:DNA period 答案: 【penicillin period】

6、 问题:Being a long-term caregiver for a person with dementia has a significant _____ on mental and physical health, and this may be experienced differently by men and women.  选项: A:impact B: reason C:symptom D:experience 答案: 【impact】

7、 问题:Match the disease with the definition.___: respiratory disease characterized by inflammation of the lung parenchyma (excluding the bronchi) with congestion caused by viruses or bacteria or irritants. 选项: A:pneumonia B:asthma C:pandemic D: infection 答案: 【pneumonia】

8、 问题:Match the disease with the definition.___: an epidemic of infectious disease that has spread through human populations across a large region. 选项: A:pandemic B:gastroenteritis C:asthma D:pneumonia 答案: 【pandemic】

9、 问题:Match the disease with the definition.___:any disease or disorder that occurs during the course of (or because of) another disease. 选项: A:gastroenteritis B:complication C:asthma D: infection 答案: 【complication】

10、 问题:Match the term with the definition._:immunogen consisting of a suspension of weakened or dead pathogenic cells injected in order to stimulate the production of antibodies. 选项: A:vaccine B:virus C:bacteria D:symptom 答案: 【vaccine】

11、 问题:Match the term with the definition._:(Biochemistry) a hormone that is secreted by the adrenal medulla in response to stress and increases heart rate, pulse rate, and blood pressure, and raises the blood levels of glucose and lipids.  选项: A:adrenaline  B:anaphylaxis C:dermatitis D:allergen 答案: 【adrenaline 】

12、 问题:Match the term with the definition._:A chronic inflammatory disease of the lungs characterized by a narrowing of the airways and attacks of wheezing, coughing, and shortness of breath. 选项: A:asthma B: hay fever C:anaphylaxis D:dermatitis 答案: 【asthma】

13、 问题:The symptoms of fever, chills, etc signal the stage of HIV infection.  选项: A:正确 B:错误 答案: 【错误】

14、 问题:The virus is active and highly contagious during the chronic HIV infection. 选项: A:正确 B:错误 答案: 【错误】

15、 问题:Symptoms in the acute stage are flu-like and may last anywhere from a few  days to several weeks.  选项: A:正确 B:错误 答案: 【正确】

16、 问题:Immunotherapy refers to the treatment of disease by stimulating the body’s production of antibodies. 选项: A:正确 B:错误 答案: 【正确】

17、 问题:Translate the Chinese expression into English. An allergy is a/an hypersensitivity response of the immune system, which was caused by pollen, pet danger and certain foods, named  ___(过敏原).  答案: 【allergen】

18、 问题:Translate the Chinese expression into English. Normally, the immune system fights germs, that cause a variety of symptoms such as a runny nose, ______(打喷嚏), itching, rashes, ranging from minor to severe. 答案: 【sneezing】

19、 问题:Translate the Chinese expression into English.Influenza or the flu is a contagious viral infection that attacks your nose, throat and lungs. Common symptoms include fever, chills, running nose, sore throat, cough, muscle aches, and ______(疲劳,该单词首字母为f).  答案: 【(以下答案任选其一都对)fatigue; fatigues】

20、 问题:Translate the Chinese expression into English. People get infected through ___(暴露)  to the body fluid which has contained the virus.   答案: 【exposure】

Medical Technology 医疗技术 QUIZ for Chapter 5

1、 问题:What is code blue related to? 选项: A:bomb threat B:a fire  C: infant or child abduction D:cardiopulmonary arrest 答案: 【cardiopulmonary arrest】

2、 问题:What is code black related to? 选项: A:bomb threat  B:a fire C:infant or child abduction  D:cardiopulmonary arrest 答案: 【bomb threat 】

3、 问题:What is code red related to ? 选项: A:bomb threat  B:a fire  C: infant or child abduction D:cardiopulmonary arrest 答案: 【a fire 】

4、 问题:What is code pink related to? 选项: A:bomb threat B: a fire   C:infant or child abduction D:cardiopulmonary arrest 答案: 【infant or child abduction】

5、 问题:First aid refers to the ___, direct treatment of an injured person.  选项: A:immediate B:minor C:compressing  D:attending 答案: 【immediate】

6、 问题:Anyone with a basic understanding of medical treatment can ___ aid at the first signs of trouble.  选项: A:conduct  B:administer  C:do  D:perform 答案: 【administer 】

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