小红帽01(附中英文故事文字版) 您所在的位置:网站首页 小红帽梗概英文版 小红帽01(附中英文故事文字版)


2024-06-02 22:06| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Little Red Riding Hood 小红帽

This is Little Red Riding Hood. 这是小红帽

But everyone called her red.但是所有人都叫她小红

She always wears a pretty red cape.她总是穿着漂亮的红色斗篷。

One day her mother says,“Please go to Grandma's house.“ 有一天,她妈妈说请你去奶奶家。

Take this basket, go straight and don't talk to strangers. 拿着这个篮子,径直走,不要和陌生人说话。

Suddenly there is a wolf. "What do you have?" asks the wolf. 突然有一头狼出现了。 “你有什么?”狼问道。

"I have apples" says Red. "I have bananas and I have strawberries." 小红帽说:“我有苹果。”我还有香蕉和草莓。

”Where are you going?" asks the wolf. 你去哪里啊?狼问道

”I‘m going to Grandma's house.” 我去奶奶家。

“Where does your grandma live?"你奶奶家住在哪里?

“She lives at the end of the road." 她住在这条路的尽头。

“Hm, does she live alone?" asks the wolf. 她一个人住吗?

"Oh, yes, she is all alone." says Red.是的,她一个人住。

"Pick some flowers for her, she will like that." says the wolf. 摘一些花给她吧,她会很喜欢的。

”That's a good idea,than you." says Red. 这真是个好主意。







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