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2024-06-03 09:38| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

关于”尊老“英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:respect the aged。以下是关于尊老高考英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:respect the aged

In my opinion, one of the main basic pnciples followed by all religions and traditions is to respect the elderly. When they are young, they have made contbutions to o society. Therefore, it is reasonable for them to receive the world's honor first.

It is reasonable to respect the tradition of o country. China has a history of than 5000 years. O culte is bad and pfound.

The virtues of love for peace and respect for the elderly are inheted fm generation to generation We should live in a harmonious world. We should respect the elderly and make the world full of love. We inheted the world fm o ancestors.

If it was not for their efforts and contbutions, we would not be able to enjoy a comfortable time before we were born Some old people fight for . In case the next generation is still a slave, they sacfice their comfortable life. So we should respect them.

For the elderly, they are worth it. The elderly should be respected. Their sacfice for the world will be remembered by people.

We should thank them for all they have done,.




In my opinion, one of the main basic pnciples followed by all religions and traditions is to respect the old and love the young. The elderly have made contbutions to o society when they are young. Therefore, it is reasonable for them to be respected by the world first.

China has a history of than 5000 years. O culte is diverse, bad and pfound, and the virtues of loving peace and respecting the old and loving the young These traditions are inheted and passed down fm generation to generation. Therefore, we want to live in a harmonious world.

We should respect the elderly and make the world full of love. We inhet the world fm o ancestors. If it was not for their efforts and contbutions, we would not be able to enjoy comfortable moments and happiness before we were born Some old people fight for in case the next generation is still slaves.

They sacfice their comfortable life. So we should respect the elderly. They are worthy of respect.

Their sacfice for the world will be remembered. We should thank them for all they have done.




This picte shows that the father is not very good to his fo children. None of his three sons and dghters wanted to take care of him. This father's expeence shows a lot about the relationship beeen parents and their children.

In today's China, some parents are not well taken care of. This is spsing and n shocking to many people, becse China has a fine tradition of respecting the old and loving the young. Now some children in China don't care much about their parents.

This is a terble thing, I suggest that parents should take good care of their children, becse all children owe too much to their parents. Parents give them life, give them food, clothing and love, and bng them up. Of cose, children should care about them and love them in retn.

Therefore, I would like to conclude by saying that Chinese children should shoulder the most important responsibility of pviding housing, food and food. The fine tradition of loving parents and respecting the elderly in China should become a part of o culte. We Chinese should treat, take care of and take good care of them with pde.




标签: 新学期 






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