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2023-09-05 15:20| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


July 27th, 2013, BMW China Exclusive Job Fair for R&D Elites took place at Beijing Marriott Hotel Northeast. This Job Fair is for the expanding business of R&D departments in BMW China and quite different from other job fairs, some highlights are listed as the following:

“We are targeting top talents in China”--- executives of R&D departments introducing business scope and vacant jobs personally on site

It’s a common scene at a traditional job fair: Wanting to hand in their resumes and introduce themselves to recruiters, the candidates have to try hard to sneak through crowded people. This time, however, the introductions were made proactively by the BMW China R&D recruiting departments. An one-hour presentation about the R&D practice in China, the responsibilities of each department, and the recruiting needs has provided a deep understanding to all of the candidates, what kind of jobs are waiting for them. It thus significantly enhanced the efficiency and effectiveness of the job fair.

According to Dr. Thomas Kiesewetter, Vice President, BMW China Services Ltd., so far, BMW China has established three R&D centers in Beijing, Shenyang and Shanghai, research areas, including but not limited to chassis system research, in- and exterior trim design, ConnectedDrive, active and passive safety, whole vehicle homologation and new energy vehicle development. China's R&D team are fully focusing on Chinese consumer demand, driving habits and road conditions, to design tailor-made BMW cars to the Chinese market. Therefore, “we need the high-qualified local talents to achieve our goal.”

Inspiring and innovative designed fair site, hot interview atmosphere, BMW showing people-oriented concept

Instead of a pure company event, the job fair is also a BMW technology show. Besides the small parts of BMW cars on show, the famous BMW N20 engine was also demonstrated to the candidates, attracting a lot of attention.

In addition to the flyers with opening information, 20 iPads which provided detailed position information are available for the visitors.

Differing to the traditional interview room design, a backdrop with a round table and three comfortable sofas have shortened the distance between interviewers and interviewees.

Multi-channel promotion, online and offline information, the whole target group successfully attracted

Different kinds of information promotion channels were used in this job fair: Zhaopin and 51job job fair page (bmwcareer.zhaopin.com / bmw.51job.com), large banner advertisement at BMW China Official Recruiting Weibo (weibo.com/bmwchinacareer), company intranet, invitation cards to the internal associates, EDM invitation to top Chinese university alumni agency, and etc.. All of these promotion means have not only successfully attracted the talents in Beijing but also R&D elites from Shanghai, Guangzhou and other cities.

Joshua Wei, Senior Manager HR Staffing and Employer Branding mentioned the BMW China Exclusive Job Fair for R&D Elites was an unprecedented job fair ever organized in the industry. We believe the job fair is far more than just a recruiting event. It is, indeed, a great opportunity to promote BMW China’s employer brand and employee values to the public.

During the one-day job fair, BMW China received more than 400 candidates, arranged 59 interviews, nearly 40 of which successfully proceeded into the next round. In addition, it helped HR Department to get further understanding of the current talent market and communicated the BMW core values: PURSUE YOUR PASSION, DRIVE YOUR CAREER.





据宝马(中国)服务有限公司副总裁Dr. Thomas Kiesewetter介绍说,目前宝马中国已经在北京、沈阳和上海形成了三大研发基地,从车辆动力系统研究,内外饰设计,互联驾驶系统、车辆主动和被动安全设施研发到整车认证和新能源车研发,中国的研发团队将全面针对中国市场消费者的需求、行驶习惯包括路面状况来设计具有中国特色的宝马车辆。我们需要高素质的中国本土人才来帮助我们完成这些任务。






此次招聘会应用了广泛的渠道进行宣传,例如:智联招聘、51job活动专属网页(bmwcareer.zhaopin.com / bmw.51job.com),各大招聘网站首页广告,宝马中国招聘官方微博(weibo.com/bmwchinacareer),公司内网广告和弹出宣传页,公司内部邀请卡,清华大学、同济大学、北京理工大学和北京航空航天大学多所高校校友会电子直邮及服务商邀约等。不仅吸引到了大量北京的人才,还覆盖了其他城市的研发精英。有多位活动参与者表示专程从广州、上海等地来北京参加宝马中国的招聘会。

人力资源部负责招聘与雇主品牌建设的高级经理魏佳音这样向我们介绍 , 宝马中国研发精英专场招聘会是一场业内前所未有的招聘活动。我们相信,招聘会也不仅仅是广纳贤才的一个渠道,更是向社会传播宝马中国雇主品牌价值的一次良好机会。








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