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Top 50 Job Interview Questions and Answers

#Top 50 Job Interview Questions and Answers| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

When I joined the last company, it had a weak and irrelevant marketing plan to reach the audience. I shared a complete marketing strategy with them though it was not my field but they liked the idea. And, in a few months they were able to bring a huge audience in touch with them.

During covid days, the company put a hold on salaries because of some financial issues and most of our staff was about to leave the job and I came forward and convinced them to start part time businesses to meet their expenditures and support the company in the time of need. I think it helped both, company and employees.聽

The HR manager was rejecting several candidates who had sufficient knowledge about their degrees but they had poor English Communication Skills. I shared an idea to offer some English courses to these trained and experienced candidates after letting them in. The HR team liked the idea.聽

Well, failure is part of life and we do learn from mistakes. When I was working in the previous company I used to send emails without a proofread and later I got embarrassed. Moreover, I was rejected many times at several job interviews because of my poor communication skills but later I kept on working to improve my communicative competence.聽

In the previous company, I was getting 52,000/ but I have to leave that job because of the distance I have to cover each day. It鈥檚 almost 20 miles. And, your company is near to my location and it鈥檚 a five minute walk. No matter if you offer me 40 or 50, I am okay with that as I know your company can provide me with a better environment for learning. One more thing I would like to mention here, I was not fired from my last job. I have personally resigned and the reason I have just mentioned to you.






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