有关高血压的英语作文 您所在的位置:网站首页 外星人英语作文题目 有关高血压的英语作文


2024-06-02 07:03| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


关于”有关高血压“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:About hypertension。以下是关于有关高血压的高三英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:About hypertension

High blood pressure leads to memory loss. Public health researchers say this is mainly the result of increased obesity. Smoking and high blood pressure seem to be the most beneficial ways to reduce the risk of high blood pressure.

A healthy lifestyle makes him prone to high blood pressure. Hypertension causes more women to die than any other preventable factor, the researchers said Heart disease, smoking, diabetes and high cholesterol all increase the risk of stroke. Let's give up smoking and drink.

Let's have a healthy lifestyle.




Most people like sports. Now, what kind of good sports are becoming more and more popular. Let me tell you that there are many advantages of sports.

For example, sports are beneficial to the growth of human bones and muscles, enhance the cardiopulmonary function, improve the functions of blood circulation , respiratory and digestive , help human growth, improve disease resistance, enhance the adaptability of the body, and reduce children Children develop heart disease, hypertension and diabetes in hood. Physical exercise is one of the most active and effective means to enhance physical fitness. How, exercise is good for us, we should do more exercise, if we do, we will have a good body.




Hypertension is a polygenic hereditary disease, and family history of hypertension is a higher risk of hypertension. However, a new study found that if the United States develops good habits, it can reduce the risk of hypertension, so as to understand the relationship between lifestyle and polygenic hypertension. Researchers from the University of North Carolina provided a project called "healthy heart family survey" The study found that different lifestyles may reduce or increase the risk of hypertension genes, especially alcohol consumption.

Similarly, the researchers reported in the June issue of the online edition of the journal cardiovascular genetics cycle Members explained that the three non-smoking habits of smoking and exercise will have a greater impact on the lives of most people. People with family history of hypertension rarely exercise more than regular exercise and suffer from hypertension. So researchers believe that hypertension is not only caused by genes, but also closely related to lifestyle.



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